It gives me great pleasure to testify to the talent and skill of Louise Clarke. Just over a year ago, when I was scoping and writing a book on running fitness, Louise very kindly agreed to give it a look over. Well, she did more than that - Louise supported me with a new direction of the publication in order to broaden its appeal.
Louise has been extremely helpful in supporting me with this project and spent a lot of time making suggestions for improvements in many critical areas. More specifically, Louise helped me to improve the structure of the book and get key messages out to potential readers in a way that will engage interest, encourage participation in fitness activities and boost revenue. The book is now published and I am extremely happy with the finished product.
Louise’s knowledge of textual consistency, copywriting, journalism and the whole writing process is second to none. She has this unique ability to spot flaws in sentences and find inconsistencies throughout the document. Louise provided great examples and suggested many ways to enhance the look and feel of the book. As a result, I now have a solid published text of which I am very proud.
I would be delighted to recommend Louise Clarke to anyone who is looking for the expert in copywriting and associated skills. On top of that, Louise is an exceedingly accommodating and pleasant person.
Martin Haigh, MD Lattitude7 Business Training

- July 2016 View
This testimonial is unverified.

As editor of Association Management Europe Louise does an excellent job of meeting the needs of its audience: chief executives of membership bodies, their members and suppliers to these organisations. Her writing style is always appropriate for the audience - interesting and informative whilst warm and chatty. She ensures that each issue’s content consists of a broad mix of in-depth spotlight interviews, product and service analysis and an up-to-date selection of industry and business news stories. She also commissions and edits high quality editorial contributions from a range of business management, legal, financial, technical specialists and politicians.
Lee Dunn, MD MYPEC Marketing & Promotions.

- July 2016 View
This testimonial is unverified.

I first contacted Louise in 2016 when I was rebuilding a five year-old website. Having spent hours and hours looking at a blank Word document, starting, deleting and restarting over and over again I decided to turn to the pros. Having had a brief chat with Louise I was able tell her what I wanted and when I wanted it by and left Louise to it.

Communication was excellent and her delivery and professionalism was second to none. Louise understands the impact of SEO and writes text that flows, rather than just looks like a bunch of keywords.

When I launched my second recruitment business in September of 2015 I just turned straight to Louise.

My expertise lies elsewhere and wasted time means lost business. If like myself, you need to someone to write you blogs, or produce copy, I cannot recommend Louise enough.
Richard Powell, MD Brightleaf Recruitment

- July 2016 View
This testimonial is unverified.

“Louise has been the lead writer/journalist for Association Insights magazine and our monthly Associations Network ebulletins since January 2014. She has sourced new and interesting content for articles by combining in-depth research with interviews with key association directors, chief executives and conference speakers.

“Her articles are lively and compelling and interviews/Q&As engage the association community and ensure that the magazine and website serve as a hub of knowledge sharing for the international and national association management sector.”

Damian Hutt, Executive Director, Associations Network

- July 2016 View
This testimonial is unverified.