Louise Clarke's Testimonial

It gives me great pleasure to testify to the talent and skill of Louise Clarke. Just over a year ago, when I was scoping and writing a book on running fitness, Louise very kindly agreed to give it a look over. Well, she did more than that - Louise supported me with a new direction of the publication in order to broaden its appeal.
Louise has been extremely helpful in supporting me with this project and spent a lot of time making suggestions for improvements in many critical areas. More specifically, Louise helped me to improve the structure of the book and get key messages out to potential readers in a way that will engage interest, encourage participation in fitness activities and boost revenue. The book is now published and I am extremely happy with the finished product.
Louise’s knowledge of textual consistency, copywriting, journalism and the whole writing process is second to none. She has this unique ability to spot flaws in sentences and find inconsistencies throughout the document. Louise provided great examples and suggested many ways to enhance the look and feel of the book. As a result, I now have a solid published text of which I am very proud.
I would be delighted to recommend Louise Clarke to anyone who is looking for the expert in copywriting and associated skills. On top of that, Louise is an exceedingly accommodating and pleasant person.
Martin Haigh, MD Lattitude7 Business Training

- July 2016
This testimonial is unverified.