There are three things I really rate and like about Ravi ;

1) He gets things done - in this business there are lots of talkers - Ravi actually rolls his sleeves up and makes things happen.
2) He 's a clever thinker - challenges , takes things apart and then re-builds in a constructive manner.
3) He's got great inter-personal skills - you would gravitate towards him if you were in the same room because he's funny, relaxed and good company.

Owner, Thetis Consulting

- October 2022 View
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"Ravi is pretty unique in that I've worked with him at an agency, as a client and as a media owner. That requires different skills and approaches and gives him a great overall perspective of the business. What's helped him succeed in those environments is a great knowledge of the fundamentals of the business, a strong work ethic and the simple fact that he's a great guy to be around."

CSO, Local Planet

- October 2022 View
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"Ravi's clarity of thought and ability to distil ideas down to their purest form was invaluable in helping me fine tune the strategy and overall proposition for Legacy Media"

Owner, Legacy Media

- October 2022 View
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"Ravi's strategic thinking and attention to detail have been absolutely crucial to the successful rollout of a brand new educational blueprint at Circus Street. I have absolutely loved working with Ravi, not only for his great mind but because he's a genuinely lovely, collaborative and thoughtful person. The research he carried out and the insights that came off the back of that research have proven to be absolutely spot on for our clients and, as a result, the eCommerce blueprint (which is a series of educational programmes in this area) has been adopted by almost all of our global enterprise clients. Ravi also produced some of our most popular eCommerce lessons in his time here, and I only hope that we are able to work together in future to create something as impactful as his work on this particular project."

Head of Education, Circus Street

- October 2022 View
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I have worked with Ravi as a colleague, with him as my client and latterly, as a media partner. He was incredibly smart, focussed, tough-but-fair and helpful in all of these roles. He has an ability to understand all the detail but get to a well thought through solution and an enviable mix of knowledge, given his agency, client and partner experience. Ravi is always dedicated to finding the right answer and will go the extra mile to deliver it. He’s someone I’d want on my side and I’d be happy to recommend him to anyone.

EVP, Publicis Media

- October 2022 View
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"Ravi has been instrumental in helping me evolve my business appealing to a different audience, without losing my current clients. He has a real knack to be able to simplify even the most complex of challenges making him an outstanding solution finder."

Founder & CEO of Vibrant Thinking

- October 2022 View
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