Michelle, 52, UK
When I first met Kirsty, I had just been going through the motions of everyday life for quite a number of years; painting a smile on my face but feeling so empty inside. I’d been carrying years and years of baggage which I didn’t realise was actually affecting me and the people around me. I soon realised that I had no boundaries at all, be it with family or friends, I’d virtually allowed everyone around me to take advantage of the fact that I had none in place. I soon came to realise that I have nothing to feel guilty about and that by putting the strategies/tools into place that Kirsty gave me I have managed to rid myself of the events which occurred very early on in my life. I am now living my best life. When things start to feel a little tough, I now know what it is that I need to do. I now have a far better relationship with my whole family, son, mother and partner included. I have managed to disassociate myself from the negative people around me, I’m once again enjoying life very much! Thank you, Kirsty you are a truly inspirational woman.

- Michelle Lowery, November 2020 View
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Jessica, 39, UK
I had suffered chronic pain in my right shoulder for the best part of 20 years. When I was introduced to Kirsty, I was in a particularly bad bout of depression arising from the pain. After a prolonged period of stress at work and my anxiety being through the roof; just getting to my initial appointment was like climbing a mountain, but Kirsty immediately put me at ease and I left feeling so much less of a failure than when I arrived. The best thing that Kirsty has done for me is to show me that I need to look after myself first. If I look after myself, then the rest will naturally follow. There are so many successes that I don’t really know where to start; I think first and foremost though has to be pain relief. I am now, probably 90 per cent of the time, completely shoulder pain free. Kirsty has helped me to listen to my body so that, if the shoulder pain is creeping on, I know what is causing it and how to nip it in the bud. Other significant successes include improved mood, diminished anxiety and I’m generally so much happier. If I have a wobble I can reach out to Kirsty and she is never long in replying. With Kirsty’s help and support, I am about to embark on the next exciting chapter of my journey.

- November 2020 View
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Stuart, 45, UK
When I met Kirsty, I wasn’t struggling with a particular issue, it was more that I was struggling to stop my emotions getting the better of me. This was initially instigated by a relationship breakdown. The ideals of the Freedom Alignment Method resonated with me instantly. I found myself drawn to the programme and wanted to create a better version of myself. I felt the ideals were already within me and Kirsty found a way to bring these to the surface. I have only just begun this journey, yet feel completely at home with it and find myself growing week by week. I have a much greater awareness of everything! Kirsty and I just clicked, and whilst I appreciate that her task is to be my mindset coach, she must take a huge amount of credit from the way I have developed in this short time. Kirsty has and is continuing to make such an impact on me, I cannot underestimate the strength in what she does, her delivery is fabulous; overwhelming at times. These qualities cannot be taught or learned; she is a real ambassador for the methods. Kirsty has a fantastic ability to impart her understanding to others, especially me. I will be forever indebted to her for what she is
doing for me, truly inspiring. I am looking forward to what is next; a world full of endless possibilities!

- Stuart Clark, November 2020 View
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Millie, 14, UK
When I met Kirsty, my mind was controlling me – I had no control over the anxiety I was feeling. Which made me feel stressed and unhappy. Working with Kirsty was an eye-opening experience as it gave me strategies to deal with my stress and anxiety. This made life easier. It gave me a solution to sort out the way I was feeling, which was a huge relief. Talking about everything with someone who wasn’t going to judge me, was the best thing. She also gave me a way to solve what I thought were unsolvable problems. Sometimes I found it hard to speak about my feelings but once I got used to it, it wasn’t hard any more. Working through this programme has helped me to be happier. Even family and friends have noticed that I have a more positive outlook on things. I stopped making everything so hard. I would definitely recommend working with Kirsty. I think that every teenager should do it. It has changed my life for the better. I can deal with things when they arise now. I also have a metaphorical tool bag that I will use for life.

- November 2020 View
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Lizzie, 40, UK
I had experienced tricky mental health for 25 years. I had my first of several mental breakdowns at 16. By the time I reached my late thirties, I was on very high doses of different medications which kept me barely functioning. I was well-aware of what had caused my mental instability, I just couldn’t find a way to stop the intrusive, negative thought patterns. I had taken part in several different forms of counselling, psychotherapy, CBT, and mindfulness therapies over the years but nothing lasted for long. It just felt like a sticking plaster, holding all the broken bits together. Seemingly by chance, I was offered an opportunity to join a pilot programme run by Kirsty, and I grabbed it. To say it saved my life is not an understatement. Within two months I was reducing my medication and within four months I was completely medication free and I continue to be so - six months on. I am now working part-time, whilst setting up my own business and finally fully loving and embracing my life. For the first time in 25 years, I love the life I live and the people in it. Most importantly, I finally love myself.

Lizzie's daughter also did some work with Kirsty. See below

Amelie, 13, UK
I had struggled with being worried for a long time. When I was at primary school, I always felt anxious and worried and I just wanted to be at home with mummy. I would cry and have panic attacks and when I got to year 7 it got a lot worse. When I started working with Kirsty, she made me feel like I was normal. I had had counselling and worked with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), but this was the first time I walked away from a session and didn’t feel like there was something wrong or broken in me. I loved my sessions with Kirsty. She was fun and really understood me. After six weeks I had the tools to use when I am feeling low or anxious. She taught me how to be confident and how to be brave. I now feel a lot more confident in myself. If I have a wobble, I know she is always there if I need her.

- November 2020 View
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Linzi, 38, Isle of Man
I was suffering from extreme fatigue and constant pain. I couldn’t imagine being without pain. I couldn’t walk without being in agony. I could not sleep. I could not work and I was so tired and depressed. I felt like I was old beyond my years. Kirsty is inspiring and confident. She makes you believe that it is going to work. She inspires you to realise that you are the person making it work. This programme treats the cause, not the symptoms. Kirsty gently coaches you into the new you. She teaches you to live in the present, go with the flow, step away and embrace a pain free, happy future.

- November 2020 View
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Laura, 40, UK
When I first met Kirsty, I was in so much pain. I had ruptured a disc in my back in a surfing accident and it was pressing on my spinal nerve. It was causing constant sciatic pain and cramps in my legs. I was waiting for an operation to fix the disc that would involve several months of recovery. All my usual activities were on hold. Even walking, showering or washing up were excruciating. Kirsty assured me that she could
get me pain free. What followed was miraculous. Five weeks before I was due to have my operation, I was completely pain free and I am still pain free and fully active one year later.

- Laura Cotter, November 2020 View
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CAROL, 56, Scarborough, UK
Almost all of my life I had known chronic, debilitating pain, fatigue, and digestive issues and had used every medication, alternative therapy, therapeutic activity, diet and food supplement that I had researched and could access. Whilst some of these approaches were beneficial, they just helped with symptoms and I got by.... just, (though not always, there were many times that I struggled to cope). Five years ago, I struggled to walk as far as the end of my road, I needed to use crutches and considered getting a mobility scooter.
I was always on a constant mission to make things easier for myself so that I could maintain my work and family responsibilities. Sometimes that was too much of a struggle and I succumbed to enforced rest. I completely changed my life and lifestyle, always chasing a cure, always striving towards a pain-free life.
I had begun to accept that living with pain and virtually housebound was my lot and I had just got to make the best of it. I had developed a positive attitude and always made sure I did something I enjoyed every day, even if that was just looking at the view out of my window or looking at pretty images on Pinterest.
I was sceptical when I first heard about Kirsty, after all, I thought I had tried everything. I had seen her promotional material and dismissed it, thinking a cure for this was impossible. Then a friend introduced me to her and told me that she had been cured of fibromyalgia. Cured.
So, I met with her over coffee for an initial consultation to see if she could work with me. After that first meeting, I felt hope, and I thought, ‘what do I have to lose?’ Pain... that’s what... and with that trust, I started to learn the Freedom Alignment Method (F.A.M).
It was tough, I had to dive deep into my internal world and root out the causes of the illness. I experienced more intense pain as a part of the process but noticed how I was changing and how, bit by bit, I was clearing all the complex emotional charge that had fed the disease. Kirsty supported me all the way with insight and expertise. I felt held, understood, and reassured that I could get better.
Today, almost 18 months on, I am living a pain-free life. I’m so grateful to enjoy my health. I’m able to live my life without the restrictions that fibromyalgia brings and I’m enjoying life and thriving. I can make plans and get out and about, I am rebuilding a healthy social life and my work life is benefiting too. I have more time and energy to devote to my business. It’s a new and exciting chapter because now I believe that so much more is possible for me. Kirsty Bortoft transforms lives – fact.

- November 2020 View
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Leanne, 52, Australia
After having fibromyalgia for five years, I believed it was just something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life. A friend gave me Kirsty’s details and I knew before the end of my free consultation that I would finally be pain free. Kirsty’s confidence, commitment and ‘it’s only going one way - up’ attitude was infectious. I have loved every session. She is a beautiful, compassionate and caring woman and I feel so grateful to her. Two months after we started working together and I can now tie my shoes on my own, I am exercising again, I am starting a new business and my relationships are flourishing. My fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis are gone, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel excited about my life.

- November 2020 View
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