I came to Chris at Developlink for help with my debilitating needle phobia. Through our online guided hypnotherapy sessions, not only did we make great progress with my phobia, I also learnt so much about other areas of my mental health, and came away feeling more content, motivated, and confident in myself; a happy bonus that I wasn’t expecting!

Chris's therapy helped me to link areas of my mental health that I struggle with, back to past events and root causes, allowing me to better understand, control, and overcome them.

The sessions themselves were extremely cathartic and I was often surprised by the intensity of the memories and feelings that were brought to the surface. It truly was an eye-opening and educational experience.

I was worried about successfully entering the relaxed hypnotic state, but it came more easily than expected. Chris provided lots of reassurance when I was unsure of myself and how well I was following his guidance. I was constantly made to feel comfortable, valid and heard, both during hypnosis and during the talks afterwards.

Chris’s professional, kind and insightful advice has been invaluable, and the extra materials and aftercare he provided has all been much appreciated! It is clear that he is passionate about this therapy, and genuinely cares about helping each of his clients.

I am extremely thankful to have found this service and taken the full course of sessions - I am sure I will feel the benefit in many aspects of my life from here on out.

I highly recommend Developlink's guided hypnotherapy course, whether you have a fear or phobia to overcome, or simply want to get better in touch with your mental health, and feel healthier and happier in yourself!

Thank you so much Chris!

Miss B - Japan (Online)

- June 2023 View
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I was stuck fixating on a difficult relationship that was draining my energy, and had limiting self beliefs that had been holding me back for years. I was recommended the 8 week hypnotherapy program by a friend and I'm so glad I made the investment!
Chris understood and validated my experience in our initial call, which after a lifetime of gaslighting was such a relief! During the sessions he held space in a calm and confident way that made me feel safe and supported in accessing the memories that held the trauma. His expert guidance allowed me to get to the root of my issues and dissolve them.
I noticed many positive effects immediately after the sessions which was wonderful. And I'm finding that more changes are still unfolding 3 months later as I integrate the subconscious healing.
I also received a shamanic healing session after the hypnotherapy course which I would highly recommend - it cleared some past life trauma and I feel so much lighter and free.
Thank you Chris!

Mrs E - California (Online)

- June 2023 View
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Chris was first introduced at my local yoga class when he gave a short introduction to his wonderful work.....I had had hypnotherapy many years ago which I think helped at the time but I never truly felt happy......or at peace in my own skin.
For many years I would wake up dreading facing the day, not feeling happy with myself and hated having to attend family functions, outings of any sort or being out in public. I had no reason to feel like this, as many people would often remind me that I had a wonderful husband and children!!! Yes of course I knew this but it only made me feel worse and the self loathing would continue. I never understood why I felt this way and eventually just accepted that this was the way I was meant to be and I just plodded on.
My first meeting with Chris was for a reiki session which was wonderful and after he explained the concept of how he worked. He was so knowledgeable about his craft, caring, compassionate and listened without judgement. From the start he was reassuring, made me feel totallyrelaxed, so I knew I was in good hands.
After 8 weekly sessions I am the happiest I have felt for such a long time.....family, friends and work colleagues have commented on how I am glowing. I feel so much happier and I am starting to love me.....
I cannot recommend Chris enough he is genuine guy who is passionate and dedicated to his work and clients.
I just wish our paths had crossed sooner.
I can't thank you enough Chris

Mrs S - Leeds

- June 2023 View
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I meet Chris through a chance meeting when he did a presentation organised by my employer to support mental health during Covid.
There was just something about him that drew me to him. I contacted him and said ‘I’ve no idea why I’m contacting you but I think you can help me’.
The next few months we’re completely life changing. He carefully and sensitively guided me through an 8 week analytical hypnotherapy course that helped me recognise and deal with issues that were effecting my life so significantly, yet I didn’t even realise. It sounds dramatic but I feel like a new person with a second chance at happiness and contentment.
He has since helped both my children: one in competitive sport coaching and one to deal with bullying at school.
Chris is a down to earth, thoroughly decent guy who just wants to help people. If you think you are dealing with anything that is stopping you living your life to the full then you will not be disappointed by spending some time with Chris.

Mrs C - Portsmouth

- June 2023 View
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Chris was friendly, and reassuring, from the beginning and has helped me process both a tough time recently and through the root causes of several things I felt were holding me back. There was good communication both in the sessions and in between (arranging sessions, useful documents and websites) which was helpful.
I feel like I can tackle situations differently now with a positive mindset and acknowledge specific feelings to continue moving forward and progress.
Thanks again Chris for your time, effort and understanding!

Will - Leeds

- June 2023 View
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I can’t express highly enough about both Chris and the 8 week hypnotherapy course. I went in a little sceptical and jaded having seen many people and processes over the years, but the results have been profound and cathartic. For the first time I feel a pivotal shift, that only continues to expand.

For the last 10 years, I have been experiencing chronic fatigue, I was incapable of leaving my house for long periods of time and then was terrified to do so. My mental health had been a constant battle, so my sister connected me with Chris.

Since our sessions my life has transformed. I went from panic attacks about going into the garden, to dancing my way round dog walks in the local woodlands/public spaces. I have felt true joy for the first time I can remember. My family and friends have all commented on the difference they see in me, but really it feels like I’m not living under pressure, fear and sadness all the time. I have wanted to go out to explore and experience new things. This process has been the catalyst for so many amazing changes in my life. I seriously recommend Chris and express my gratitude to him to so many people. In many ways I wish I found him sooner, but I really found him at the right time!

Miss a - Devon (online)

- June 2023 View
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