I was dubious at first about trying hypnotherapy, But since completing the sessions, I am so glad I did it and would recommend it to anyone. Jodie is friendly, approachable and easy to talk to. Her positivity is infectious and she has a way of getting you to open up. I found a way through her sessions to focus on what is important to me.

She has definitely had a positive impact on my life and has helped me to achieve some of my personal goals and helped me to relax more. Overall I have a better outlook on life and it is definitely a positive thing for my well being to be able to access this support through my employer.

- December 2021 View
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To anyone thinking that they might benefit from this support I would highly recommend hypnotherapy as an alternative therapy. It has given me tools to manage my own anxieties better and given me confidence to feel that I can manage any other challenges that I might face more successfully.

My partner has commented throughout my hypnotherapy journey that he can see a change in me and can see me being more able to manage my own anxieties better and have been calmer and more relaxed both in and out of work. Anxiety Management.

- November 2021 View
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I was so nervous about the session as I was not sure what to expect and instantly Jodie put me at ease by her welcoming and reassuring nature. After my first hypnotherapy session I felt so relaxed and relieved that my first session had gone so well, it was kind of like I was floating or like I had just had a massage. That was just what I needed after having bouts of anxiety. I have enjoyed them so much, but I am so proud and thankful of the progress that Jodie has helped me to make over the last six weeks. I would highly recommend others consider hypnotherapy as an alternative therapy. - Anxiety Client.

- November 2021 View
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Well what can I say! When people talk about hypnosis, you imagine the shows on the television or at the theatre and it reminds you of a group of people getting ‘hypnotised’ and when a bell rings the participants walk around clucking like chickens. This is for entertainment purposes only!

Real hypnosis is something that can actually make a positive difference to your life – a life worth living.

​I have suffered from mental illness and low self confidence for many years and due to the pandemic, it made it all worse. I shielded myself for over a year and would only go out for medical appointments. I wasn’t very happy about emerging into the big wide world again, it made me quite anxious. This is where Jodie comes in. Jodie is such a lovely warm person and made me feel very comfortable from day one. Each week we would go through the stumbling blocks that I was experiencing, and through hypnosis Jodie would talk to my subconscious and help me to find the solutions and gave me the tools to help myself. I had six sessions with her and after each session I became more confident and felt able to achieve things that I never thought would be possible.

In the time I have been working with Jodie, I have been able to go out and work on my garden, go to the supermarket on my own, drive my car to actually meet up with some friends to have lunch together and helped me with some of my food issues. Without Jodie’s help, I would still be stuck at home procrastinating and inhaling my food! I would like to thank Jodie for working with me and helping me get my life back in order. I would wholeheartedly recommend Jodie to anyone who needs support.

- November 2021 View
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Jodie has equipped me with a new set of tools to promote my emotional wellbeing. She put me at ease straight away and has helped me achieve a much happier and more relaxed lifestyle. Hypnosis was both relaxing and comforting, enabling me to resolve past issues and as a result I feel much better. Jodie's insight and skills have enabled me to feel much more positive and confident. Hypnotherapy has changed my life and I will continue to practice my new learnings.

Julie - Corporate Wellbeing

- November 2021 View
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