
  • IT Consultancy
  • Cyber Security
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Cyber Essentials Plus
  • IT Automation
  • IT Compliance
  • CRM databases
  • CRM Management
  • CRM Systems
  • VM Management
  • Cyber Essentials applications
  • Cyber Awareness Training
  • Cyber Incident Response
  • Cyber Insurance
  • Data Backup
  • IT Audit
  • IT Security
  • IT Solutions
  • IT Support
  • IT Support & Advice
  • Data warehousing
  • Technology Consulting
  • Tech Support
  • Technology Deployment
  • Website and Development
  • IT Strategy
  • Penetration Testing
  • Cloud Backup
  • Cloud adoption and planning
  • Cloud and On-premise
  • Phishing Awareness Training
  • Network Security
  • Ransomware


As an IT Professional with over ten years of experience, I pride myself on providing relevant, cost-effective solutions to my clients.


There may not always be a one-size-fits-all solution, but there is always the 'right' solution. Technology is now an integral part of any business and finding the right setup is paramount. This is one of the key points I have learnt throughout my journey thus far.


On my days off, you can find me behind my drum kit or at the tennis court, contemplating the next big thing in technology to emerge.


  • Buchanan Technology Ltd

    Managing Director
    - Current
    Buchanan Technology Ltd

Interests and Hobbies

Drumming, tennis, gaming, cricket, music.

Email Jordan


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