
Would you like to be the Best in your Field and Soar above your Competition? - Good Communication is Key to Success in Life and Business Excellent communication skills can Improve your Sales, and Profit and improve the Relationships with Customers, Workforce and Personal life.
Understand what is holding you back from achieving your goals and targets.
Do you or your employees deliver Presentations? Imagine if their presentations are transformed into Amazing, Fun, Educational entertainment with a memorable message instead of being dry, dull and practical ...... There are no dull subjects - just dull presentations. Life is short and everything we do can enhance lives and I have the skills to help you, and your employees make the most of each task and project.
I can help and advise on how to construct and deliver speeches and presentations.!
My Coaching and Workshops will bring practical, down to earth, life enhancing skills. My approach and methods are Fun, Memorable, Unusual and bring life-skills that enhance all life situations. Watch your workforce work more efficiently and happily, watch your customers give excellent feedback and recommend you to others. Feel confident that you are the Best you can be in meeting the needs and understanding your customers.
Are you looking to 'add value' to the lives of your workforce and customers?
Your specific needs will be met with my Tailor made Coaching sessions and Workshops. I love my work!!


I am a member of a Worldwide organization Toastrmasters International - which trains people in Confidence in Public speaking skills and Leadership . I have reached an Advanced stage of competency in Both Communication and Leadership.
I am a trained Image Consultant and trained 10 years ago with Europe's top Image Consuiltancy - Colour me Beautiful.
I have traveled the country presenting workshops on several topics - Presentation sklls, - Confidence in public speaking and Presentations, Speechcraft, and Image to Corporate and Private companies and Organizations - including Nat West Bank and Halifax Building society.
I am an After Dinner Speaker and Stand up Comedian.
I help people write personal speeches whether for work or pleasure - ie Work Presentation - Best Man/Father of the Bride etc....
In 2013 I wrote and performed a 5 stop one man tour entitled 'In Pursuit of World Peace and Thin Thighs'...... an evening of Fun and Observational Humor.



    - Current


Competent Communicator. - TMI Competent Communicator Bronze - TMI Competent Communicator - Silver - TMI Competent Leadership - TMI Competent Leadership Bronze - TMI Competent Leadership Silver - TMI

Clubs and Associations

Toastmasters International.
Colour me Beautiful.
Hatfield Comedy Workshop.
Cheshire Professionals

Interests and Hobbies

I love Entertaining people. I love cooking and dinner parties. I love cocktails! I love writing and currently writing a series of books.

I love reading, walking, and being creative - making jewellery etc.

My pleasure is helping people develop and move into their destiny. To excel in whatever task they are given.

I love writing and often write personalised songs and poems for special occasions.

I recently took part in a Banger Car Rally 'Rome or Bust'..for charity. We had to drive through 9 countries in 5 days including driving the Stelvio Pass and the Nurburgring. We were the only female crew (just two of us) and travelled in an old London Cab, painted Pink, with 500,000 miles on the clock

In 2013 I traveled to Plymoputh, Cheshire, Berkshire, Lancashire and Bedfordshire performing a One Woman Show entitled 'In Pursuit of World Peace and Thin Thighs...... a show I wrote and performed myself....

Email Gayna


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