
I am a self-employed mediator at FMG Mediation.
I previously practised as a Solicitor and was a director of a legal firm. I have specialised in Civil Litigation in the following areas, consumer disputes , contractual and commercial disputes, debt recovery and personal injury for both Claimants and Defendants. I have also completed an applied work place mediation certificate.


Consumer Law
Contractual and Commercial Disputes
Personal injury
Workplace mediation
Debt Recovery


  • FMG Mediation

    Self employed mediator
    - Current
    FMG Mediation


I studied Law at Manchester University and qualified as a Solicitor in 2001. I became an accredited mediator in 2008 with the School of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology Regents College and completed an applied workplace mediation certificate with TCM group in October 2010.

Clubs and Associations

I am a member of Law Works mediation panel ,registered on the Regents College list of mediators , am on the panel of mediators for the Association of Northern Mediators who are registered with the Civil Mediation Council. I enjoy assisting in promoting mediation and have taken part in a demo mediation for Manchester Law Society and am taking part in the Manchester County Court mediation advice pilot.

Interests and Hobbies

I enjoy playing and coaching chess, running with a local running club and volunteering for a local charity which provides support to families in crisis pregnancy and pregnancy loss and work part for a human rights charity.

Email Fiona


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