
David Alderson - 07815 308991

At the moment it’s probably at its most dynamic time for IT I’ve seen in my 13+ years in the industry.

There have always been forces for cost savings, but with the advent of server virtualisation and hence hardware consolidation, and now with ‘The Cloud’ looming on the horizon, it means everyone in business has even more confusing technology to try and juggle.

My role in consultative sales means I must keep up with all these changes, and be able to advise and give informed choices to business leaders, both SME and Large Corporate.

To do this I have a number of industry accreditations form Citrix, VMware, Microsoft and of course most of the major hardware companies.

If you want to chat about your IT options, and how investing in your IT infrastructure can help your business, please get in touch.


VMware, Citrix, Virtualisation, Storage, Hewlett Packard Solutions, Cloud Provisioning of Technology, Microsoft Licencing, Cisco Infrastructure, Systems Integration.


  • Total Computer Networks

    2012 - Current

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