
  • IT Security
  • ISO 27001
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Cyber Essentials
  • IT Strategy
  • IT Project Management
  • supplier Management
  • Cyber Essentials Plus
  • IT Governance
  • Strategic IT management
  • IT Service Management
  • IT Risk Optimization
  • IT Resource Optimization
  • IT Benefits Realization
  • Enterprise IT Governance
  • IT Risk Management
  • IT Systems Control Design
  • IT Systems Control Implementat
  • IT Systems Control Monitoring
  • IT Policies Development
  • IS & IT Audit
  • IT Operations Management
  • IT Service Level Management


vITd Services is a boutique technology consulting organisation with a mission to help businesses leverage technology to improve business performance.

We could help in developing and implementing digital strategy, optimize technology and human assets, improve return on investments and cyber security resilience, and manage risks.

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