
We help people and businesses become more, well efficient......... with practical, time saving, cost-effective advice and products.

It’s that simple.

We like to think we’re efficient in pretty much everything we do. And working with us, we’re sure you can be too.

Firstly, far from being a huge, inefficient, faceless corporate organisation – the Efficiency Group is Dan, Mike and Adrian… the 3 people behind the idea.

We’d love to tell you one of us is a scientist, one’s an economist and the other’s an environmentalist. But we’re not. We’re just three pretty ordinary businessmen with a shared, ambitious vision.

It’s a vision we wrap up in two words – Everything Better.

Whether you run your own business or someone else’s, run a household or both – the Efficiency Group can make you more efficient,
guaranteed. If you like the sound of that, start the ball rolling by calling 0345 548 0012 or 07789748884 – there’s absolutely no obligation and definitely no hard sell. It’d be great to hear from you.

A bit more about us

The Efficiency Group team have all started, run, built (and in Dan’s case, recently sold) our own successful businesses. So we know a fair bit about it.

But don’t get us wrong; we’ve not always been so efficient. Actually, it’s only by recognising inefficiency (ours and other people’s) that the we’ve realised there’s almost always a much better way – a far more efficient way – of doing just about everything.

We know from personal experience that inefficiency not only slows you down, it gets in the way of progress – often preventing good ideas becoming reality.

Go on, be honest – how many times have you had a great idea but just not had the time or resources to make it happen? Drives you mad doesn’t it? Yes, we know!

Not to worry… the Efficiency Group is full of bright ideas that do happen. And, however small, they happen to make a big difference.Our team of experts cover all aspects of

Energy Management
Energy procurement
Renewable Energy Solutions
Document Archive (Scanning) solutions and retrieval
IT/Cloud and Dedicated hosting solutions
Tax and Legal services
Business Development
Brand development and design

Area of Expertise

Cost Reduction Consultants for:-

Energy reduction and renewable initiatives
IT/Cloud Solutions
Document Management Solutions
Legal Services
Tax advice for Building owners

Email The Efficiency Group