
5 Tips for success

5 Tips for success

So that is the first week of 2022 over. How has it been for you? Have you completed some strategic planning for the year or maybe jumped into starting something new? Or have you taken a slowly, slowly approach to the new year, easing yourself back into the daily grind after the holiday?

I’ve bounded into 2022 going for dry January, something I do every year after the excesses of Christmas. Last weekend it was easy for me to say no to a glass of wine but today I am fighting myself and my habits as the urge to pour a glass of wine becomes stronger.  I’ve tried to placate it with a no alcohol gin and tonic. It is like having an apple when you want chocolate. It doesn’t quite hit the right mark, but I’m pleased I’ve made day seven. Now I’ve put it out there it has made me feel more accountable to make sure I stick to it!!

I’ve also returned to exercise after two weeks of doing nothing more strenuous than taking a walk but maybe seeing my personal trainer and arranging to run with a friend on the same day was a mistake because I creaked out of bed today and I now feel a bit battered and bruised. 

It would have been easy for me to say I’ll start next week but I made it a non-negotiable with myself that 1st January was when I started and when that date came, I took the action I needed.

When you have a goal in mind it is important to have the right mindset and not give yourself the opportunity to back out or procrastinate. 

At the end of January, I will review how I am doing. I may want to increase the distance I run or work on my speed. Maybe I will enjoy a glass of wine on the 1st February, or maybe I will keep going a bit longer. Whatever I decide the most important thing is that I have taken action now and started.

To be successful you need to
Set a Goal
Make a Plan
Take Action (make it non-negotiable)
Be Accountable
Reflect and Review

Join me in my 5 day challenge starting Monday 10th January to consider your goals obtain a winning mindset to ignite your success in 2022 SRG Ignite your Success Challenge 10th - 14th January 2022 | Facebook
  • Coaching
  • success
  • goals
  • tips

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