
Resolutions or Goals?

Resolutions or Goals?

I read with interest the comments on a poll where people stated they didn’t set New Year’s Resolutions but set goals instead because for me goals and resolutions are interchangeable words. I am curious to know what they mean to you?

I am definitely someone who sets goals at this time of the year and they include personal goals, career goals, holiday goals and things I would like to get done on the house goals. This year things are no different for me and I have spent the last hour contemplating on what I want to achieve, where I would like to visit and how I would like to feel by the end of 2022.

Even if you are not a New Year’s resolution type of person it is good to reset and refocus periodically and the start of the year is a good time to do this. Evidence shows that people who set goals achieve more and are happier because it promotes a sense of self-worth but they also have to be committed and hold themselves accountable to reaching their goals.

Goals should not be set in stone, life sometimes carves a different path for us and sometimes we realise that what we thought we wanted won’t actually make us happy so it is important to remain flexible and to re-visit goals to make sure they are still appropriate.

If you would like some help in setting your aims/desires/goals for your life then join me for a free 5 day challenge starting on the 10th January to Ignite your Success in 2022

✔Get Clarity on your Vision. The first step to any journey is knowing where you want to go.
✔Form the mindset to believe you CAN achieve your dreams 
✔Create a plan to  design your life as you want it so your goals don’t just remain a dream

After this challenge you will UNDERSTAND what you want in your life so that you can focus on your journey to create your vision

How will it work?
Every morning you will receive an email containing a workbook and video explaining what is to be done

Every evening there will be a 30 minute Facebook live with me at 7.00pm (BST) which will give you a chance to ask your questions on the daily task followed by a short meditation

Everything will also be available in the Facebook Group so join the group now and take the first steps to make your dream a reality https://www.facebook.com/groups/997777234473651
  • Coaching
  • Goal Setting
  • vision
  • Resolution

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