
Goodbye 2021 . .

Goodbye 2021 . .

So its goodbye 2021. . .


There were no big bang moments in 2021 for me but I kept moving forward and making progress. If 2021 was a film I guess it would have been an explorative documentary about myself.  Who I am and what I stand for and just feeling comfortable being me. My three words for the year would be Supportive, Fulfilling, Inspirational.


2021 was another year battling through the ups and downs of the pandemic. I am always surprised at how quickly the years fly past even though we have been restricted in what we do. 


When we have been allowed, I have made the most of seeing my friends and family, going to restaurants, listening to live music and dancing.  What I’ve learnt is that I like the slower pace of life the pandemic has forced onto me and I no longer want to fill every minute of my day with activities but welcome those quiet times where I can think, create, or just enjoy doing nothing.


My highlight of the year has been to get my coaching certification with Optimus Coach Academy.  Just going through the course changed me and helped me find the inner confidence to move forward to the business I have always dreamed of having and to meet so many like-minded people who keep me motivated and inspired.  I know I will be feeling the ripple effects of completing the course many years from now.


Another proud achievement for me is that I have managed to consistently get 7 hours sleep a night, yeah.  Something I have been striving to achieve for years.  Leaving the tech downstairs when I go to bed has helped immensely.  Although binge watching Netflix series hasn’t help in this goal and has been my biggest timewaster this year.  There is the debate at 2am after I’ve watched four episodes of whether I should stay up and watch the final 2 episodes.  I’m still debating whether it is a good thing or a bad thing when I lose and I do stay up to watch them!!


I move into 2022 with hope and excitement for my business but what I am most looking forward to doing is travelling abroad, exploring new cities, and meeting new people.

Happy New Year and hope 2022 is a good one for you.

  • Coaching
  • reflection
  • stopresetgrow

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