
The Power of Tuning In

The Power of Tuning In

About five years ago, I received an orchid as a gift. After the flowers fell off, I hoped to revive it, but my mind was cluttered with doubts and distractions:

"Orchids are such difficult plants to maintain."
"I'm no good at keeping pot plants alive; I'm better in the garden."
"I'm too busy to think about this."
"What's the big deal anyway?"
"Ugh, I will never get this right!"

...and the list went on. You get the idea.

Then, about six months ago, I decided to let go of these preconceived notions and truly connect with the plant. I felt an instinct to run water through it every 2-4 weeks. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't entertain my past doubts. Instead, I observed the plant each time I looked at it. Every time I saw a new root or leaf grow, I felt a surge of excitement.

About two weeks ago, I noticed a stalk, and yesterday, it blossomed.

I'm amazed at the power of tuning in, even to a plant. The experience became easier, my emotions lighter, and the results incredibly rewarding.
Imagine what we could discover if we applied the same approach to people and our work.

What are you feeling disconnected or tuned out from? What thoughts, beliefs, or circumstances are getting in the way?

Or share with us, how your view is looking good. We'd love to learn from you.

Join our online community and discover how you can use your nervous system to develop your intuition: https://the-view-looks-good.mn.co/share/tOnPhdrSOatxGdtr?utm_source=manual 
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Personal Growth
  • Growth Mindset
  • Connect
  • Nervous system

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