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How to get your socials for Home Care to explode


In this short read you will laugh at how I marketed my business and learn how I now market for other care providers. 

When I had my home care company I hated marketing. Correction I hated paying for marketing.  I could see the benefit but the return on investment was always poor, I wasted money with agencies who promised but never delivered. They always had good ideas but the adverts cost too much to get noticed. 

I couldn't afford to keep paying every week and get nothing back. 

So I marketed myself. Instead of hoping to get noticed I visited places where my target market met. I presented at care homes, sheltered accommodations and other similar venues. These times were some of the funniest of my life I would enter with cakes and biscuits and be welcomed by a group of elderly people awaiting my speech. I did 100's of these speeches and they were all the same. 

Every speech would start with heckling, elderly people can heckle with the best of them. Every time without fail 2 or 3 people would shout at me to speak up. 1 or 2 would constantly shout to ask how much I charged. Several would speak loudly about how much they loved their current care worker and the rest would fall asleep. It was a fun time and I enjoyed my talks to the elderly. 

When I started speaking at these little events I had no plan or speech prepared, I turned up, spoke about my company and answered questions. Then I started to ask questions and this was brilliant. I noticed things that my competitors hadn't. I learned about the people, their dreams and hopes. I understood what they really wanted from a care company and I started to educate my staff to provide what was needed. 

These day's I'm not a home care provider I help care providers replicate what I achieved. I help them understand there market, build great teams and market effectively. I still encourage my clients to get out and about but I also show them the power of advertising and building great content. 

Owners of home care companies are luckier now as the marketing tools available mean they can produce quality content FREE of charge. They can advertise FREE of charge and attract high paying private clients. The reach of social media is amazing, you can make posts that literally explode. A post that costs nothing can generate 1000's of pounds. 

There is absolutely no excuse to not grow your home care agency with marketing these days. There is no need to use expensive agencies as I did and waste money. In fact if you use just these three tips for posting on social media you will grow your business and attract high paying Private clients. 


Three tips to get your Home Care Posts to explode. 


To get your home care posts to explode on social media and attract high-paying private clients, follow these three tips. 

First and foremost, you must create content that provides value to your target audience. This content should be informative, engaging, and relevant to the needs and interests of potential clients. Consider sharing articles, blog posts, or videos about senior care trends, health and wellness tips, or success stories from your clients. This type of content not only showcases your expertise but also demonstrates your commitment to improving the lives of seniors.

Secondly, be consistent with your posting schedule. Develop a routine for when and how often you post, and stick to it. This could mean posting once a day, a few times a week, or whatever works best for your audience and your business. Consistency helps build a following and establishes your presence in the minds of potential clients. Additionally, monitoring your analytics can help you determine the best days and times to post for maximum engagement.

Lastly, engage with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in conversations. Social media is all about building relationships, so be sure to nurture those connections. Show your audience that you care about their needs and concerns, and they will be more likely to choose your home care services when they are ready. Encourage user-generated content, such as testimonials or reviews, to further build trust and credibility.

Remember, effective social media marketing doesn't have to break the bank. With these three tips, you can create quality content, build a following, and engage with potential clients – all for free. So take advantage of the power of social media and start growing your home care agency today!


P.S. If you struggle with ideas of what to post, I can help you with that. Send me a message and I'll happily talk you through how I create many ideas consistently every day. 

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