
How success suckered me into a false sense of security.

Lee Taylor, Scale & Grow Pro Business Coach & Mentor

How success suckered me into a false sense of…

Before you read this post take time to think about this - If you are not growing you're dying. 

I wish I understood that many years ago. If I did, I think  my wealth would be far greater than it is now. 

Years ago, I had a golden opportunity and blew it, I had a multi million pound property portfolio, lots of rental income and was building new houses. The only thing I didn't have was a hunger to keep going, instead of building an empire I stopped growing, took things easy and died. 

I didn’t know I was dying, I thought I was the man and success was my given right. I thought my wealth would last forever and I could give live off what I had. 

The problem that I hadn’t taken into consideration. I was STUPID!!!!!!!!! an IDIOT!!!!!!! and I let my EGO control me. 

The 2nd thing for you to remember - Your Ego is not your Amigo.

Basically I made 2 really big mistakes at this stage of my life. 

The first was to settle on what I had. I stopped caring and growing. I never understood inflation and currency debasement. I never understood that my purchasing power was decreasing with time. 

The second mistake I made was spending more than I earned. I never kept tabs of what went in/out. If I wanted it my ego told me to go and get it, so I did. 

With my purchasing power going down and the amount of money I was spending going up, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out how the story ends. 

Or how the story could end. 

Luckily I have always had a great ability to pick myself up when I’m down and reinvent myself, And that’s what I did. The only problem was I never had the ability to learn from my mistakes. So my wealth  yoyo’d up and down over the years. 

I continued to spend more and be controlled by my ego and I continued to get lazy when success led me into a false sense of security. 

It took me a lot of pain and heartache to work out what was going wrong. My health suffered, my marriage ended, my wealth decreased and, worse of all, my relationship with my daughter deteriorated. 

Thankfully I did learn and I’ve built a second wonderful marriage and couldn’t be happier. My health is improving every day and my life is amazing. I have 3 more children and my relationship with my eldest is fantastic.

Also I’m rebuilding my wealth, I have investments and a coaching business that has started to flourish. I’m happier working on 1 business than I ever was working on multiple ones at the same time. 

The difference this time is -

I know why I am doing things and how I’m doing them. I’m organized, structured and have plans. I no longer make things up as I go along and hope for the best. 

I know what comes in and out of my bank account. I manage my money a lot smarter now and know how to attract and keep it.

I know my ego is not my Amigo so I don’t listen to it anymore. I don’t spend more than I earn and I invest every month. 

I take time to learn and understand how the world works. I think ahead and plan for down times. 

I spend time every day learning and bettering myself. 

I now have this saying that I live by -

Be Grateful for everything and settle on nothing. 

This saying brings me happiness and peace of mind but doesn’t let me be complacent. This saying reminds me to never stop growing. By not settling on anything I can keep improving things little by little over time. 

It’s how I live my life and how I help my clients. 

When you work with me I help you build plans you want to look at every day and attract as many clients to make the money needed to live the life you want. 

What I do isn’t difficult but very life changing. 

Ps Editing skills are not in my coaching programme. This is about as good as I get 

  • wealth
  • investing
  • Business Growth programmes
  • success coaching
Lee Taylor Scale & Grow Pro Business Coach & Mentor


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