
Why many high performing Executives and Senior Managers don’t get the best jobs!

Why many high performing Executives and Senior…

How to avoid being ‘disappointing’ at job interviews - a problem spanning both functional disciplines and organisational sectors.

By Bernard Pearce - The Executive Career Transformation Specialist

Most Executives and Senior Managers are considered to be’ disappointing’ when being interviewed.

 As an Executive or Senior Manager yourself, you are probably aware that most candidates, at most interviews you conduct, are considered to be ‘disappointing’.

You were really hoping for someone different or better than the person who actually walked through the door!

This is not new. You know it’s true, so why is it? And importantly, what can you do about it to make sure it doesn’t happen to you?

Interviewers form an opinion of you even before they meet you face-to-face. It’s inevitable isn’t it? How else can they decide who to interview or not?

So what might make you ‘disappointing’? 

Well, short-listing decisions are based on the person’s CV and the mind-set at the time of writing is quite likely to be “put everything in, in the hope that someone will find something of interest!”

This ‘dumping ground’ of information will therefore leave it to the reader to determine whether and what value you might have.

You might even leave out key information in the belief that the reader will be able to work things out for themselves!

Questions at interview will either look for support of the initial perceptions, or to allay their concerns; but if those questions are formed by incorrect perceptions, your answers might be disappointing, you might be ‘disappointing’ and you might not be seen as the best candidate!

Are you really going to let others decide your worth?

Leaving others to work out if, or where, you add value is dangerous. For Executives and Senior Managers who clearly need to be seen as head and shoulders above their likely competitors, it is totally unacceptable.

At the heart of this is being able to articulate what you are really good it doing, ensuring that your CV presents you, at your best - clearly presenting the key value-adding strengths that set you apart from the competition.

You need to know what it is you do that makes you worth the salary you either get or aspire to; and therefore what makes you different or better than other potential candidates – for your current role, or one you are looking for.

A step-by-step guide.

My book ‘The Executive and Senior Manager’s Guide 1: Personal Brand and CV” (Amazon) takes the reader through the essential steps to getting it right - avoiding the sometimes embarrassing pitfalls the unaware fall into and ensures you enter the battle fully equipped, prepared and confident!

About Bernard Pearce

Bernard Pearce is The Executive Career Transition Specialist who helps executives and senior managers to create:

Their personal brand - with a dynamic and focused CV
Perfect opportunities - with insight of the real job market
Outstanding performance – conquering the interview and beyond
Bernard's clients better understand where they have greater value, employability and opportunity.

Bernard helps you get and keep the JOB YOU REALLY WANT, either in your current organisation or a new one.

Executives who work with Bernard increase their self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation.

They secure new roles that fit their seniority, experience and geographical preferences.

Should you and Bernard be working together? Bernard offers a free 30-min confidential ‘Maximise Success Pre-Interview Consultation.’

Contact Bernard to enquire on 07770 237894 or e-mail [email protected].

Want the '36 Key Reasons why your Job Search will Hit a Frustrating & Costly Brick Wall (and what to do about it) Guide'? Email [email protected].

Executive Career Transition; Outplacement; Career Coaching; Career Development; Succession Planning; Performance Management www.Career-Inspirations.co.uk
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