
Plan ahead for the grey days of January…

Plan ahead for the grey days of January…

There’s a tendency for many of us to burn the candle at one end only when it comes to this time of year. We store up all our food, alcohol, parties and treats for the Christmas and New Year season, and then in January we expect ourselves to live like hermits, mad keen to burn off all those calories, and with money for nothing but our new gym membership.


But January and February really are the bleakest of months and we need to be much kinder to ourselves, in my opinion. So jogging into work on an icy morning with nothing to look forward to but a small pot of cottage cheese and a night in with the tv, probably isn’t the best way to look after our emotional or physical health.


Be kind to yourself


Whilst New Year’s resolutions can be incredibly motivating, they can also become a stick to beat ourselves with – so we end up falling short of our ideals; which in turn seeps into our sense of well being and general health. We don’t need statistics to explain why a fed-up person is far more likely to succumb to illness than someone who is enjoying themselves. If I had my way, everyone would postpone their dieting til the weather gets a little warmer… but I realise I’m probably on my own with that one!


Plan ahead


So if you’re an employer or an employee – plan ahead. Think about some small pleasures that will make everyone’s life a bit happier in the new year. A friend of mine threw a ‘healthy party’ for colleagues last January, cooking up lots of tasty low calorie foods for everyone who was on a diet, and making mocktails with fresh fruit. And forget cold food in cold weather. Taking in tasty meals or chunky homemade soups to heat in the microwave is a lot better for you than rigorously counting calories you will probably splurge later on a large packet of crisps in front of the tv.


Spicing it up


And there’s a lot to be said for raising the spirits with cinnamon-spiced apple juice on a bleak afternoon in the office (which can be easily made in the microwave).  And what’s to stop you collecting the vouchers for money-off trip to the cinema or a night out bowling – lots of businesses are very keen on your business during this lean time of year, and an evening out can really lift everybody’s spirits. We need time to laugh and relax – most of all when we are feeling a bit low.


Focus on wellbeing


Then of course there are the wellbeing treats that you can provide for yourself or your employees. An Indian head and neck massage or a really enjoyable dance class like Nia (with its emphasis on pleasure and wellbeing as well as fitness) during the lunch hour can work wonders for a stressed and grumpy employee. And have you hought of treating yourself or your staff team to some really special time with a coach – to work on plans and aspirations for the year ahead.  There’s nothing like a coaching session to help people recognise the positives and resources in their lives, and look ahead to using those more effectively. (But then I would say that, wouldn’t I!)


So please don’t forget, one of the best Christmas presents you can give yourself or your staff, is easing gently and positively into 2014. A bit of TLC, some kindness towards our human foibles and lots of encouragement and support, can make it a much happier time for everyone in the workplace.


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