
7 Reasons you need a fraction CMO

7 Reasons you need a fraction CMO

A lot of CEO’s and Business Owners realise they have gaps in their marketing team but it doesn’t make sense to hire a full-time CMO. They may not be large enough to warrant 40hrs a week, however do have budget for a short term CMO and prefer to spend the rest on junior marketeers.

Warwick Empowerment Academy (WEA) realise this and provide flexible, accurate and experienced Coaching to allow leaders to focus on working on the business rather than in the business.

Here’s 7 reasons why hiring a Coach as a fractional CMO makes sense:

1. Cost Efficiency -

One of the most immediate benefits of hiring a fCMO is the cost savings. Companies gain access to senior-level marketing expertise without the full-time executive salary, benefits, and other compensation typically associated with hiring a CMO. This arrangement is particularly advantageous for startups and small to medium-sized businesses that need strategic direction but have budget constraints.

2. Flexibility and Scalability - 

An fCMO can adapt to the changing needs of your business, working more or fewer hours as your marketing requirements fluctuate. This flexibility allows your business to scale marketing efforts up or down without the commitment and overhead of a full-time position, making it easier to manage resources effectively.

3. Expertise and Experience

fCMO’s often have a wealth of experience and have worked your industry and with marketing disciplines. This diverse background allows them to bring a fresh perspective and a wide range of skills to your business, applying proven strategies and innovative solutions that might not be available within your existing team.

4. Speed to Execution -

With their extensive experience, fCMOs can quickly understand your business challenges and market opportunities, developing and implementing strategies at pace. This agility can be crucial in responding to competitive pressures or capitalizing on market trends, giving your business a competitive edge.

5. Strategic Focus -

fCMO’s are typically focused on strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day operations. They can provide clarity and direction to your marketing efforts, ensuring that activities are aligned with your business goals and delivering measurable results.

6. Objective Perspective -

Being partially outside the day-to-day operations, a fCMO can offer an objective viewpoint that might be difficult for internal team members to provide. This fresh perspective can help to challenge assumptions, identify new opportunities, and refine strategies to better meet customer needs and business objectives.

7. Short-term focus with long term objectives - 

Hiring a Coach / fCMO allows businesses to engage senior marketing leadership on a short-term basis, with the potential for long-term gains. This arrangement enables companies to test new strategies and approaches without the long-term commitment of a full-time executive hire, offering a strategic stepping stone for growth and development.


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