
No, No, No!

No, No, No!

Yesterday I was at a training session for people who were serious about making great strides with their businesses. We were treated to a series of fantastic speakers who gave us some valuable tips on how to do just that. The presentation that had the greatest impact on me was the first one…which was based around a word that strikes fear into the heart of many business people. A word that is only two letters long, but can cause procrastination and inaction if left unchecked. The word…..NO. From our earliest memories, that word has become a familiar part of our lives. Studies have shown that by the time we reach the age of three, we have heard the word sixty thousand times! As time goes on, and we hear it more and more, we stop wanting, trying, reaching for our goals as we fear we are going to get hurt. But as Edison, Henry Ford, and Abraham Lincoln (to name three) have shown, No is just a word and the way you react to it is what counts. If they had given up at the first signs of failure, the world as we know it would have been so different. David Beckham…known for his free-kicks, has just a 9.4% success rate, scoring 47 free kicks out of 500. Madonna was told that she couldn't sing and would never make it, but then went on to become one of the most successful female stars of all time. Any business leader will tell you that experiencing failure is a normal part of your pathway to success. In fact, failure is NECESSARY before success can happen. Our speaker at the event told us, "Successful people in our business have just heard more no's than the others." He then went on to say that they looked forward to getting no's as they moved towards the yeses. Taking this attitude allows you to shift the fear. It empowers you to take action in the knowledge that ultimately you will reach success, just as those achievers did. A brilliant book that can help you more with this is, "Go for No," by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz. So, start welcoming those "no's" NOW and working your way through them Want to get those results that you've always dreamed of? Go to www.themanchestercoachingacademy.com/7.html and check out my Transformation in Ten programme! See you soon!

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