
The good sort of training need...

The good sort of training need...

This directory is full of some great marketing and sales experts who really know their stuff. So I might be about to make them cringe...

Here's my sales pitch: if you've got a niggling problem with your business, not a catastrophic hole, but a small weakness that just stops you hitting peak efficiency, then there's a good chance you have a training need. The GOOD sort of training need.

Really? There's a "good" sort of training need?

Yep! It's the sort that's small enough to address at small cost but brings big benefits in company communications, staff engagement and ultimately customer satisfaction.

  • Do things get a bit last minute, maybe suggesting somebody's time management isn't the best?
  • Somebody new to managing a team who's feeling a bit out at sea?
  • Are you finding operational staff suddenly need to be public speakers for the company and could do with some presentation work?

These are the sorts of issues that can be addressed quickly and effectively with bespoke training: but they're only examples - your needs are specific to you, which is why the training needs to be specific to you.

I don't need to tell you that that's what bespoke means: I DO need to tell you it doesn't mean "expensive" (even if it's 1 - 1 coaching).

That small problem is probably going to get bigger if it isn't addressed, so send me a message or give me a call (07780 944310). I think you know by now, you're not going to get the hard sell treatment...

Training that's all about engagement - whatever the subject...

Engaged staff

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