Andrea Lennard 's Testimonial

For much of my adult life I have had a weight problem or should I say an eating problem!

I have never lacked the determination and willpower to lose weight and exercise well when I set my mind to it, but always, I knew it would not be permanent. I would inevitably ‘fall off the wagon,’ return to old habits and the weight would pile back on.

After a fairly serious wake up call from blood tests at the end of last year, it was time to set my mind to it again. And I did so, knowing that I would give myself a couple of years reprieve ready to start all over again!

What a difference 3 hours has made!

I am a great believer in mind over matter. But I admit that 51 years of ‘knowing me’ made me sceptical when Andrea told me I could watch someone eating the food I binge…. chocolate, crisps, pasta etc and I wouldn’t get the ‘FOMO’ and in fact would not be at all bothered.

My new belief, that “I don’t do that” (overeat) is so simple but so powerful and effective. As my husband sat there munching on chocolate over Easter – I really, truly wasn’t bothered….WOW.

It is difficult to express in words just how different I feel. My conviction that I will crack it this time is very, very real.

Thank you, Andrea

By Clare Randall, Director at The Stonewall Group Ltd

- April 2023
This testimonial was successfuly verified by other source.