
  • Property Investment
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  • Buy To Let
  • investing
  • property
  • property sales and rentals
  • Below market property deals
  • Property Deal Packager
  • Property Deals


I listen more than I talk and love sharing my passion for property to ensure that you have a secure future and increase your monthly income

Why to get in touch?

Continued volatility in the economic climate has led to a number of unparalleled situations that will ensure majority of us face uncertain financial future;

▪️Interest rates held at record lows and soaring inflation mean that investors are loosing money in the bank!

▪️Increasing pension fund deficits and new legislation will mean that many people will be working much longer for much less. What is your pension going to be worth at retirement?

▪️Increasing prices across food, utilities and fuel are placing pressure on household budgets. How can you increase your monthly income with no extra time available?

So where should you put your hard earned £££’s?

Property has and always will be an excellent option but many people simply lack the time, knowledge and understanding of the market to buy something that will provide them with future equity and also offer the security of cash flow on a monthly basis.

Most people just don’t know how to;

▪️ Buy at the right price
▪️ Which area to invest in
▪️ Where to find the deals or that they simply do not have the time to spare.

The Property Sorcerer UK offers solutions on how to invest in property.
I will source opportunities through my extensive network and present you with different deals based on your specific needs;
be it generating quick lump sum through flips or building equity and generate passive monthly cashflow!



  • The Property Sorcerer UK

    Property Sourcing agent
    - Current

Email David


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