
Independent Business Buying AdviceMy speciality is targeting businesses NOT for sale " If you know what you fancy, but not sure how to find it, I'll show you".

I won't ask for an upfront fee Indeed my policy of openness means that we decide together how I will be remunerated. So please call me for a telephone appraisal and friendly opinion to your project.

It doesn't matter where you are up to with your future plans...

•Maybe you are just thinking about buying a business Toying with the idea
•Or decided the type of business you would like to acquire, but not located a target
•Or indeed, target in sight and ready to offer
•Even if you are halfway through acquiring, or nearly ready to complete

I will..

• Act as a sounding board for your future thinking (Business / Strategy / Acquisition)
•Act as a challenge for any future financial assumptions that you have made
•Act as a sounding board for any future operating or expansion decisions
•Act as support for your fundraising activities
•Act in rapport building with the seller.

Contact me and I guarantee to give you very meaningful advice and a full telephone appraisal free of charge...A friendly opinion to your project.
