
In a constantly changing world, I am driven by the challenge of staying relevant and getting ahead of the market. My career spans a wide scope of industries including commercial business and nonprofits. Each industry has enriched my knowledge and skill base for the next step. In any industry, I have learned that cultivating relationships and building bidirectional value will produce growth and success every time.

All of my clients are partners. My goal is to build consensus and always find a way to say yes. Viewed as a knowledgeable advisor, I have grown sales with remarkable market penetration and even won back strategic clients. These clients became advocates for me and my firm in the marketplace helping to expand business and catapult revenue.

Another dimension of my background is a passion for philanthropy. Not only did I grow up with role models who were volunteers and donors, but I hold deep work experience in Nonprofit Development and Stewardship. (And I am a committed donor and volunteer as well!) What excites me as a leader is engaging donors and fostering a great match between their vision and the possibilities.

As a dedicated member of BNI (Business Network International), I am proud to have risen as an industry leader, coaching and developing chapters in a large region. No matter what the role or industry, I love to set aggressive goals and exceed expectations.

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