
I am a young entrepreneur and fan of all things healthy and health-related.

Having grown up in a multi-ethnic household, surrounded by different cultures and languages, since a young age I have been interested in the world. This led to a BA (Hons) in Economics and Development Studies from the University of Manchester, an International Volunteering Placement in Jakarta, Indonesia, debating Human Rights topics at international conferences, and eventually to spending time in Sudan, the birthplace of my father, to learn the language and recipes of his family

It was in Sudan in 2010 that my interest in nutrition really sparked. The tribes of the NUBA Mountains are so isolated that they live a fully subsistence lifestyle. Without access to any form of processed foods, they strive and maintain muscular physiques with regular wrestling competitions. They don't need supplements, or expensive equipment, they live off the earth.

Following that experience I came back to the UK with a healthier outlook on life and a desire to feed my body the foods it needed to perform. Of course here we have access to a wealth of ingredients, so my diet was varied and took inspiration from every corner of the world, but most importantly it was all natural. In time I became stronger, faster, sharper, happier and less stressed. I gave up caffeine, slept better at night and started to perform better at work.

Once I had achieved this, I took my research one step further and delved in to the connection between different micronutrients and brain functions, looking for links between mental wellbeing and food. There was a lot of information available, but it seemed most people I spoke to, whilst aware that eating healthily would help them lose weight, a high protein diet would help them gain muscle etc. were not aware of the control they had over their mental wellbeing through the foods that they ate. Most importantly, how often we eat the wrong things at the wrong times and increase our stress or anxiety.

This is an education which I have gone through, albeit in my own convoluted and never straight-forward way, and want to simplify and share with Manchester. There is so much misinformation in the media, marketing messaging from big brands and diet products that we often opt for the easiest solution even if it is detrimental to our long term health. I hope to help people learn, understand, and most importantly feel the benefits, live the benefits that a healthy lifestyle can offer.


Healthy eating, recipe creation, nutrition, allergens, specialised diets, food production, food delivery, employee wellbeing, food for energy, food for mood, food for strength, food for anti-stress, food for concentration, food for weight loss, food for endurance sports, canteen supplier, workplace food options, healthy eating talks and seminars.

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