
Before you buy a Kratom product, you need to know a little about Kratom .org. This organization was formed to make sure Kratom is produced and sold legally.'s Kratom standards and registration ensure reliable quality and safety. The organization also educates consumers, vendors, and law-making bodies about Kratom.
As a consumer advocacy organization, works to change the negative narratives about Kratom. They advocate for consumer freedom legislation and promote safe, effective Kratom products. In addition to this, they educate the public about the benefits of Kratom, which is still poorly known in the western world. is a nonprofit organization that advocates for the right to consume Kratom. The plant comes from Southeast Asia and has long been used as herbal medicine. Although it has been criticized by the FDA, the organization aims to protect consumers and educate them on its benefits. The group hopes to improve public awareness of the health benefits of Kratom, as well as protect the natural resource. The organization is the voice of the Kratom community. also supports the legality of Kratom. It has worked to pass consumer protection laws in Georgia and Utah. It is also working to ensure that Kratom remains legal in Indonesia. Banning it in the country would be devastating for its supply chain. Currently, it is legal to export Kratom to the United States, but a ban could mean that it is illegal in that country. is a nonprofit organization that relies on donations to fund its work. Donations can be made via PayPal or wire transfer. By making a donation, you can help the organization fight against manipulation and coerced silence. This organization aims to educate the public about the safe use of Kratom and protect consumer rights. is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on consumer interests and does not profit from the use of the herb. has helped millions of people in the United States find relief from pain and other conditions. This organization is an important part of the American Kratom industry. certifies Kratom vendors and makes sure they play by the rules. Any Kratom vendor can apply to become certified, and they are checked for quality and safety. If they fail, they will be kicked out. Be sure to only buy from vendors that have been certified by This will ensure that you are purchasing safe and high quality Kratom. is also working to develop new legislation and regulate the industry. is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers that fights for the safety of Kratom. Donations help fund their legal expenses, scientific research, and promotional efforts.

