
  • Health
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Spiritual life coach
  • Life Sciences
  • Holistic health
  • Corporate Advice
  • Consultancy and Training
  • Bio Resonance
  • Healing
  • Executive Coaching
  • astrology
  • Feng Shui
  • Nutrition
  • Brain Based Coaching
  • Career development coaching


HARMONYU HMU is a UK-based health science AI intelligence therapy and holistic wellness services provider.

Our vision is to
-To boost Holistic well-beings with Health Science AI Intelligence;
-To develop human Superconsciousness and their Life Purpose with Universal Wisdom
-To solve Environmental Issues with Life Science

" Live OUR Viable Earth" (L.O.V.E) -- by HARMONYU

HARMONYU AI intelligence approach combines science AI and universal wisdom to improve your holistic health by:

-measuring your body, mind and spirit score by our AI Intelligence Energy Scanners;
-improving your energy level and guide your discovery for a purpose built life;
-improving corporate environmental and business performance;
-developing your superconscious techniques to connect with the universal wisdom


By adopting a holistic approach to improve human wellness in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and spatial levels, we provide solution for complementary and alternative therapy.

(i) Holistic Health Energy Screening - to detect, assess and predict any wellbeing signal for our client's holistic wellbeing alert and monitoring.
- Physical body wellness score check
- Aura photography and chakra interpretation
- Allergy and nutrient check
- Emotional and mental health check
- Personality and talent check
- Life Mission check

(ii) Holistic Consultation - provide insight and solution to improve your daily wellbeing
- Trauma healing session
- Financial wellbeing consultation
- Holistic life coaching
- Relationship consultation

(iii) Energy Therapy - to rebalance and raise energy dimensions of our client's bodies to achieve holistic wellbeing.
- Anti-aging resonance therapy
- Brain development resonance therapy
- Detoxification resonance therapy
- DNA longevity resonance therapy
- Mental health resonance therapy
- Soul healing resonance therapy

(iv) Energy Medicine - to boost energy levels of bodies and environment with energy frequency spectrum.
- Aura cleansing
- Body energy protection
- Chakra balancing
- Emotion & mental wellbeing
- Physical wellbeing
- Soul healing
- Spatial energy

(v) Training - to improve knowledge, skills, mindset and energy for holistic health management and therapy.
- Holistic health intelligence healing workshop
- Aura & chakra healing workshop
- Holistic wellbeing program
- Superconscious training
- Eastern Reiki training
- Holistic healing practitioner training

Email HARMONYU Limited