
  • Marketing & Branding
  • market analysis
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Brand launches
  • Research and Development
  • Insights Discovery
  • Data Analysis
  • results
  • Concept Development
  • mentoring skills
  • CMO
  • Leadership & Development
  • Digital advertising
  • Innovative Design
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Thought Leadership
  • Lateral Thinker
  • Problem Solver
  • Value Proposition
  • Brand positioning strategies
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand architecture
  • segmentation
  • Campaign Management
  • Campaign Planning
  • Campaigns
  • ROI
  • Global Consulting/Outsourcing


I think lateral about business.

My notion has always been, "know the rules then break them". New value can only be created that way.

I use my academic background to assess data and facts, to come-up with unusual solutions that add above-average value to clients. Unless brands dfferentiate in some way, they can at best be average. There is no challange in that.

My added-value lies in that I am agnostic and independent of any agencies or suppliers. This means what I say, is my independent and considered view.

I only "say" what I believe will drive value for the client. I have no "piper to pay"

I combine skills, insights and experience having worked in 35 markets. This helps clients drive business growth through me adding to their thinking, helping them develop new products and brands, develop new opportunities and improve the efficiency of their marketing.

I review and help re-align problem brands. 

The only measure of success is business results. I have even trained many marketers to enable them to become better at strategies and plans. 

I authored a book on marketing, called The Brand Book, now into its fourth print. This book was used by many entrepreneurs and is recommended reading material for students. It is still used by many entrepreneurs. I also contributed to books and journals from the US, to UK, to Australia, to Singapore and Africa. 

I was Advertising Man of the Year in South Africa in 2002. I ran my own agency with a profitability ratio X3 the industry average. I was the strategist that developed, to date, the most like television commercial in South Africa, in 35 years of testing by Kantar (for Sasol Oil). Of the top 20, I was involved as strategist in four. 

I worked on many entrepreneurial brands from inception, all of them today brand leaders. I was part of the executive team for these periods, helping these companies construct their companies from scratch. This included the very first online bank.

I worked on many global brand leaders as well as help list companies on the NYSE. I was part of the team that was the first to take a live lion onto the NYSE trading floor. 

Prior to becoming a consultant and "freelance CMO" (often the role I play now) I was Global Consulting Director for WPP Acceleration in London. 

Prior to that, I worked in advertising and brand agencies and as a marketer for fast moving consumer goods and banking. 

My agency launched Emirates into its European markets, and was the lead agency for them out of 29 agencies they used globally at the time. 

I love a great challange, one that scares me somewhat before I start. That is how we grow as people. 

I am not good with corporate politics. I like a "can-do" attitude in business. That invigorates me and forces me to be my best. 

I am a good team player, naturally like and get on with people across age, gender, nationality and viewpoint. That is how we grow.

No one view is ever 100% correct, we all evolve and learn. Only when you have asked all the questions, can you deliver your best. 

I have worked for up to 14 years for one client, hence place a high value on loyalty and commitment. Hence, it means there needs to be honesty and reciprocity between the parties.

I have often stated, if I cannot add value to a business, I will say so beforehand. 

Email Drthomasbrand Limited