
CLEARCUT ACCOUNTING is a firm of accountants and tax advisers specialising in accounting for Limited companies, Contractors, Locums, Sole traders, Partnerships and start ups who want clear, straightforward advise.

Our service has been thoroughly scrutinised and meticulously thought through to provide everything you could possibly need from an accountant, and more besides.

Everyone works a little bit differently, so we’ll make sure the details are specific to you, to suit your set up, your working practices and your lifestyle.

Remember, not all accountants are tax specialists and not all tax consultants are accountants!

Tax specialists and accountancy experts at CLEARCUT are always keen to deal with all the complex area of taxation and spots all the opportunities available to minimise the tax burden while meeting the highest standards of tax compliance with HM Revenue and Customs.

We handle absolutely everything for you for a fixed monthly fee, no surprise bills and so that every last bit of planning and admin is, not just done for you, but done well, on time and in the most tax efficient and compliant way.

We offer a real time service as we are a young and keen company and have established ourselves very rapidly since setting up independently.

All of our team members are professionally qualified and experienced from established nationally recognised accountancy practices and understands the importance of good quality accountancy service and always endeavour to save a company tax where we can advise it and not just simply do the books.