
Fire Safety & Fire Risk Assessments - Are You Complying?

Fire Safety & Fire Risk Assessments - Are You…

In 2005 new regulations came into force that require every workplace in England & Wales to undertake an adequate and comprehensive risk assessment of fire safety at work. These regulations place a duty on the responsible person, managers & owners of premises to ensure that the building meets certain requirements such as adequate fire doors, suitable egress at approved distances, suitable & sufficient fire extinguishers as well as suitably trained staff who are conversant with the fire risk assessment and the evacuation procedures. While most offices may be considered to be low risk, an assessment still needs to be undertaken and recorded. Fire safety officers when visiting premises should be asking to look at these documents and ensure that they are relevant to the premises. Recent feedback from fire officers has identified a lack of depth to the risk assessments leading to companies having to undertake them again. Morgan Training Services has been providing this service to its customers since the regulations came into force. If you are in doubt about your assessment or would like to talk to someone for guidance or advice please contact us on 01704-213534

I work in partnership with my husband Gwyn running our two companies Morgan Training Services Ltd & Morgan Training Associates. I carry out a variety of tasks including coordinating training, dealing…

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