

Phoenix Voice Training Provider


Over the years, I have grown increasingly aware of the negative nature of being, or feeling, ‘stuck’. 

I’ve been ‘stuck’ myself.  I suspect many of us have felt that way in our lives, probably more than once.  And you might be feeling like that right now. 

One area of feeling ‘stuck’ that I can help with, is in the sphere of voice, speech and communication with others.  I have worked with so many people who have found me because they feel ‘stuck’.  They believe their voice holds them back, or their accent holds them back, or their confidence in how they communicate holds them back.  So that when they get the opportunity to move upwards in their career, they fear that despite their knowledge, skills and experience, they may not be accepted or have the vocal confidence to ‘hold their own’ in their new role. 

Some people decide that they are stuck and there is nothing they can do about it.  “This is my voice, this is me.  I don’t like it but there it is”.  Others think … “could I do something to make myself feel better, to be more confident in myself and my voice?”  Anyone who thinks that way and comes to me, discovers that there is much more to their voice than they ever knew. 

Your voice is yours, it is an intrinsic part of you and it is unique.  It is a wonderful instrument and it is capable of everything that you want from it. Don’t feel limited -your incredible voice may surprise and delight you when you unlock it.   Please don’t stay stuck.  

  • #personaldevelopment
  • #confidence
  • #voicecoaching #accentcoaching
  • #interviewskills
  • #executiveskills
Phoenix Voice Training Provider

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