
Wellbeing Is Not an Option It Is Essential!

Listening To Your Voice Ltd Business Coach & Mentor

Wellbeing Is Not an Option It Is Essential!

Would you willingly starve yourself of air, unless you are holding your breath for a few seconds?

Would you willingly go without food or water, unless you are fasting for a specific reason?

Just the same way that you would not go without air, water or food, because they are essential to keep you alive; it is essential that you look after your personal wellbeing.

For the last year, I have been fortunate to learn about why it is important to look after my own personal wellbeing. Why? I know first-hand the consequences of what can happen if you do not look after your personal wellbeing, as it results in ill health and a breakdown in key relationships. It also has an effect on your professional life and impacts the lives of your colleagues at work either directly or indirectly. 

What I learnt, I am now sharing with others as a coach, speaker and author. I am realising that it will be selfish of me to keep this knowledge to myself, if I can impact the lives of others in a positive way. This is one of the reasons that I trained as a verifier with the London Healthy Workplace Charter and why I have rebranded my business to have wellbeing at the heart of all of my services. 

Just the same way, that I do not ask someone else, can I take a breath of air, or eat some food, or drink some water, the onus is on me to look after my own personal wellbeing. This is a deep and profound statement,  but so true.

So how do you look after your wellbeing?

There are seven areas of life that can impact your wellbeing  in a positive or negative way. These seven areas are

1.     Fresh Air

2.     Diet

3.     Water

4.     Exercise

5.     Sleep

6.     Relaxation and

7.     Relationships

Which of the areas listed above do you think you need to improve, so that you are looking after your wellbeing better?

Make a mental note. If it is possible, highlight the areas so that they stand out from the others.

Take one of the areas that you have highlighted and then write down a personal goal. Once you have chosen one area, write a goal for the others that you have selected.

 Examples of a goal for each area are shown below:

1.     I am going to spend at least 10 minutes each day, breathing in fresh air, by spending some time outdoors.

2.     I am going to eat at least five potions of fruit and vegetables each day, as part of my balanced diet.

3.     I am going to get into the habit of keeping my body hydrated, by drinking at least 4 glasses of plain water each day. I can start with one glass as soon as I get up, two during the day and the last one when I come home from my daily activities.

4.     I am going to exercise at least three times a week. I can start with a gentle walk or stretching exercises as I get up each day, if I have not exercised in a while.

5.     I am going to get into the habit of going to bed at a regular time, ideally before 11pm, so that I can have a good night sleep.

6.     I am going to spend at least 30- 60 minutes each week, doing something that I like, which is not work related. This can be gardening, cooking, listening to music, watching a movie, reading a good book, etc.  The task selected, is not what is essential, but that you learn to relax, as this is one of the biggest challenges for us as adults. We have forgotten what it is like to have a time of play. We are so used now to having our mind constantly thinking about work, or other important tasks, that we are forgetting to switch off and relax.

7.     I am going to spend at least 30- 60 minutes each week, speaking with someone ideally face to face, but if this is not possible on the telephone, who is going to listen to me and build me up, because good relationships are essential for my personal wellbeing.

This would be a good time for you to take a break and take some time for self- reflection. With your busy life, with all of the various activities you are engaged in, and with your constant accessibility due to the use of smartphone, iPads and tablets, you sometimes forget to take some time out to reflect on the quality of your life and your relationships.

As I shared earlier, it would be selfish of me to keep this information to myself, as I know that there are many who would benefit from learning how they can look after their personal wellbeing.

I have taken my learning and now offer training and coaching to individuals or businesses who want to know how they can Say Yes To Improving Wellbeing, as they know that wellbeing is not an option, it is essential.

If you would like to book on my next training course, which will be held on the 6th June at 1:45 at the Enfield Business Hub, use the link below.

https://say yes to improving your personal wellbing.eventbrite.com

Alternatively, if you would like more information about my services, message me or contact me via my website https://www.listeningtoyourvoice.co.uk/

Whatever decisions you make in the week ahead, remember, Wellbeing is not an option, it is essential.  
  • Healthy Workplace Charter
  • Say Yes To New Opportunities!
  • Well-being Coaching Business l
  • Personal Wellbeing
  • Let's Go Business Hub
Listening To Your Voice Ltd Business Coach & Mentor

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