
Stress and job hunting

Stress and job hunting

Looking for a job is one of the most stressful things in life!!
My husband was made redundant last year on New Year's eve. Not the best time to lose your job, but there never is a good time to be out of work.
He is a Business Development manager, working in sales.
He tried everything to find another job - searching on the internet, joining recruitment agencies, going to suitable companies and asking if they had any vacancies, going to job fairs, going to the council job hubs and signing on at the job centre. He applied for hundreds of jobs and never heard back from many of the applications. He managed to secure three interviews, but was not successful in any of them. He felt demoralised, depressed, very tired, lost all confidence and  thought he was totally worthless!
Throughout all this endeavour, I encouraged him to keep going and not give up.It is so hard to see someone you really care about in such a dire situation. I told him I was confident that he would eventually find another job. My attitude is stay positive and keep trying. I kept telling him that he is good at his job and has great experience and knowledge. If employers do not choose you for the job, then it is their loss!!
The job search continued for 7 months and resulted in my husband's blood pressure going through the roof. He was in danger of having a stroke. He visited our GP and was immediately given tablets for high blood pressure and told to take them as prescribed. He also had to monitor his blood pressure daily with a machine.
I asked him to take a couple of weeks rest from job hunting and to de-stress and wait until his blood pressure had reached an acceptable level.
He finally managed to secure a sales manager position with a removal company and is now very happy and not stressed out any more. There is a routine to his life and contact with colleagues and clients and he is now earning money. He still has to take tablets for his blood pressure and monitor it daily.
Always remember to stay positive, keep trying, don't give up, talk about your feelings, keep telling yourself that you are good at what you do and don't let people grind you down!
There is light at the end of the tunnel!!
  • Stress Awareness
  • encouragement,
  • Feel Valued
  • Confidence building
  • Accomplishment

I am a life coach and am looking to expand my business by offering coaching for all different problems. I can help people live better lives by achieving their goals and benefiting from the results 

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