
Become Leader - Build a Leadership Support Group, Personal Focus, and Your Own Voice

Fern Management Services Business Consultant

Become Leader - Build a Leadership Support Group,…

Building a Leadership Support Group, Personal Focus, and Your Own Voice

My name is Sue Fern, and I am proud to have owned my company Fern Management for 25 years and be a Senior Consultant with Defy Expectations, which provides Leadership Mastered training and mentorships. With more than 30 years of experience in leadership roles, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to operate a prosperous association and business. During my professional journey, I have held senior positions at major global companies and associations, plus served a diverse clientele, including large corporations, governments, and non-profit organizations. My varied corporate experiences have enabled me to apply valuable lessons to benefit numerous organizations in multiple ways.

I've had the opportunity to experience and learn from many different things in life, and I've found that my ability to use that knowledge to mentor others is one of my biggest gifts. Having someone to look up to and learn from is so important, and I've been fortunate enough to have some amazing mentors and guardian angels throughout my own life. Ultimately, the key to success lies in never stopping your education and seeking new knowledge and guidance from other exceptional leaders. It's important to build a network of guardian angels who can help guide you along the way.

To become an exceptional leader capable of propelling your team and organization to unprecedented heights of achievement, it's crucial that you learn skills from seasoned leaders. Devoting your time and energy to honing your leadership skills and self-awareness is indispensable. By doing so, you're benefiting not only yourself but also your team and organization. Take the initiative to seek guidance from successful leaders in and outside your community. Use their insights to enhance your own leadership approach. With dogged determination and diligent effort, you will possess the potential to emerge as an influential leader who can effect positive transformation within your team and organization.

I have gained a diverse range of experiences that have allowed me to develop a unique perspective on leadership. I have found that to deliver exceptional results consistently; it's important to have a strong support network as a leader. The people around you can provide guidance, feedback, and support as you navigate the challenges of leadership.

Whether it's colleagues, mentors, or friends, surround yourself with people who believe in your abilities and are willing to help you grow and get their explicit agreement to hold you accountable. If you surround yourself with people who say yes, then over time, you will become disconnected from your people, your community, and your members. By building a strong support network, you'll be better equipped to lead your team and organization to success.

Language also plays a crucial role in leadership communication, both in personal and professional settings. The words we choose and the way we express ourselves can have a significant impact on how others perceive us and our message. It's important to be mindful of your language and strive to communicate clearly, respectfully, and effectively. To excel as a leader, you must possess the ability to listen, evaluate, and resolve conflicts effectively, as well as establish trust and belief among team members. This is achieved by learning and listening to others around you.

By doing so, you can build stronger relationships, avoid misunderstandings, and achieve your goals more efficiently. Start to think and define the words you commonly use to work with your people and volunteers to remove barriers to understanding and effective communication.

As leaders, it is imperative to be intentional about your presence and how you present yourselves in various situations. Neglecting to consider your own motivations and behaviors is a dangerous trap to fall into. Establishing short and long-term objectives is crucial to developing a plan that will guide you toward achieving your goals and building your presence.

When envisaging your future, it's crucial to contemplate where you want to be in the next 5, 10, or 20 years. By setting long-term goals, you can effectively steer your decisions and actions in the present, resulting in a more contented life. Take some time to ponder on your aspirations and determine the steps you need to take to attain them. Remember to communicate your goals clearly and articulately to others who could potentially provide support along the way. Look at the training you will need to achieve your goals. It is your personal responsibility to be your best and continuing to learn is imperative.

Becoming a leader is not easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. However, with enough commitment, you can achieve what you set out to do. Feel free to contact me if you need any support along the way. My journey in the business world has been one of constant growth and evolution, and I am always happy to share my experiences with others.

The team at Defy Expectations has designed specific leadership training – Leadership Mastered - that you can do online in your own time, and together with mentoring support from me or another Defy leader, you will succeed.

Defy Expectations has diverse business experiences and a passion for leadership excellence gained through a collective 175 years of senior leadership experience. We are excited to continue our knowledge growth and help leaders achieve their goals well into the future. To learn more and receive a Professionals UK discount on our course, contact me today – [email protected]
  • leadership, business, ethics
  • Mentoring & Coaching
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