
Top 8 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

Top 8 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in…

With the advent usage of smartphones and the increasing number of mobile users across the globe, many business owners and entrepreneurs are focusing on developing mobile applications for their business. By marking its presence in the digital world, the mobile application development market has achieved an unparalleled CAGR of around 14.3% and is expected to reach $100 Billion by the end of 2022.

Well, if you look at the current market trends and understand the scenario, the ruler is a Mobile Application. Mobile apps have plenty of advantages of being faster and efficient with the power of working offline and easily. The features and characteristics of mobile apps have forced many organizations to switch from Web App to Mobile App. By leveraging mobile app development services your business can reach the peak of success. However, behind feature-rich and successful mobile applications, there are Mobile App Development frameworks such as Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, etc play a vital role. Due to frameworks, the app’s functionalities and features have won the heart of users.

In this competitive world, to make your mobile app a real success, it’s essential to choose the right and suitable mobile framework, platform, technologies, and databases for your project. However, choosing the perfect mobile app development framework with the appropriate development strategy is very important. This will surely lead you to overall business success.

Let’s read it together.

Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

Here are the top 10 mobile app development frameworks that can help you build a successful mobile app for your project.

Defining App Development Framework

A mobile development framework is a complete tool for developers to build successful mobile applications. Thousands of mobile app development frameworks work behind the app development as the key to a successful mobile application.

Aspects of powerful applications deliver the most effective user experience. Top mobile app frameworks offer developers the required access to a cluster of APIs, code libraries, SDKs, and similar elements to develop a competitive mobile app solution.


ionic cross-platform mobile app development

Ionic is a completely free and open-source framework built with Angular and Apache Cordova which allows developers to develop an app for three different platforms - iOS, Android, and Windows. It’s used to develop cross-platform mobile applications for seamless mobile performance. Every mobile app developer uses this framework to develop a robust and feature-rich native application.

The major advantage of the Ionic framework is that mobile app developers can use several UI elements in their application design. These UI elements are such list views, filters, forms, action sheets, navigation menus, and tab bars. It allows developers to develop high performing and interactive Hybrid, Progressive web applications, and cross-platform mobile applications.

Ionic framework can turn out to be the best one if a developer is well-versed with HTML, JavaScript, or CSS.

  • Intuitive UI components
  • Easy and quick to development
  • Cordova Plugin
  • JavaScript components
  • Framework compatibility
  • Strong community support
  • Complete control over app building
  • Instant Pot
  • GE Transportation
  • Market Watch
  • Amtrak
  • Sworkit

flutter open source mobile app

Flutter is an open-source mobile app SDK that was launched by Google. It’s Google’s UI toolkit which is used to develop beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop through a single code base.

Flutter has its widgets that include all critical platform variations, namely scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts and eliminates dependency on platform-specific UI components. Flutter uses ‘Skia’ for developing visuals which is a 2D rendering engine.

  • Fast development
  • Built-in material design
  • Increased time-to-Market speed
  • Rich motion APIs
  • Own rendering engine
  • Strong widget support
  • Similar to Native app performance
  • Alibaba
  • Google Ads
  • Reflectly
  • Cryptograph
3.React Native

open source framework react native

React Native is one of the most popular and the best JavaScript library which is used to develop both Android and iOS applications. Using React Native, you can develop native applications for all devices and platforms. It’s a free and open-source cross-platform framework developed by Facebook.

With React Native, developers can develop high-performance apps with faster deployment time in a short period of time. It uses JavaScript and assists in developing rich, intuitive, and amazing apps. It has gained popularity in the topmost mobile app development frameworks in 2021.

React Native provides a core set of platform-agnostic native components like Views, Text, Images all mapped to a platform’s native UI building block. It supports JavaScript which is a must for full-stack development.

  • Low-code
  • Support for Third-Party Libraries
  • Declarative API for predictive UI
  • Short development time
  • Live reload
  • Facebook
  • Soundcloud
  • Airbnb
  • Instagram
  • UberEats

xamarin app development framework

Xamarin is an open-source and cross-platform app development framework developed by Microsoft for creating the best mobile apps by using a software framework, .NET, and programming language C#. It provides a flexible native performance that empowers businesses to deliver a unique user experience to their customers.

It’s an abstraction layer that controls the communication between shared code with underlying platform code. It allows developers to develop an ecosystem with backend, API, components, etc. It’s supported by various tools, libraries, and programming languages. It allows you to develop applications with the support of an active community for Android, iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Windows.

  • Single code on multiple platforms
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Application loader
  • Android SDK manager
  • Storyboard files
  • Google emulator manager
  • Open-source tech with corporate support
  • Full development ecosystem
  • Compatible with Wearables, IoT, and TV
  • Azure mobile app
  • UPS mobile app
  • Alaska Airlines
  • Microsoft News App
  • Outback Steakhouse
5.JQuery Mobile

jquery mobile framework

JQuery Mobile framework is also referred to as an HTML5-based UI system that programmers use to build highly responsive applications for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. It is one of the most favored mobile app development frameworks that offer customizable themes.

Furthermore, it carries extensive support for Firefox, including Windows, Kindle, MacOS, and Blackberry.

  • Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation.
  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA).
  • Theming and UI widgets.
  • Uncomplicated API supporting user-friendly inputs.
  • Apps developed with JQuery Mobile support easy SEO optimization.
  • Compatible with other frameworks like Apache Cordova.
  • It's light in weight and has good, straightforward API support.
6.Corona SDK

corona sdk cross platform framework

Corona is a free and open-source cross-platform framework for designing mobile apps related to games for mobile devices, desktop, tablets, and smart TVs. It’s powered by Lua based framework light-weight scripting language that offers speed, ease of usage, and flexibility to develop apps.

Corona SDK is a popular and best choice for developing cross-platform mobile apps in a short time. It will work effectively with various platforms, including iOS, Android, and Nook.

  • Cross-platform framework
  • Real-time simulation
  • Call any native library
  • Completely free
  • Live testing
  • High Speed and performance
  • Easy setup
  • Designer City
  • Gunman Taco Truck
  • Beasts Battle 2
  • Zip Zap
7.Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI Development

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source UI framework which combines HTML5, Bootstrap, and AngularJS. If you are well-versed with Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS, you can easily learn Mobile Angular UI in no time.

With the Mobile Angular UI framework, developers can use JavaScript libraries like Overthrow.js and FastClick.js. This framework is perfect for modern web and mobile applications.

It provides the best experience to users with some of the useful components of this framework such as overlays, switches, sidebars, scrollable areas, etc.

  • Build HTML5 hybrid desktop & mobile apps
  • No jQuery dependencies
  • Build fully responsive interfaces with a super-small CSS file
  • Developer’s community
  • Easy conversation from the web to mobile apps
  • Responsive framework
  • Number of default controls
  • Hotelier News
  • Zaobao Mobile Website
  • Gunks
  • iKeyBox
  • Guezz It

8.Native Scripts

It is an open-source framework that uses Typescript, Angular, JavaScript, CSS, and Vue.js to develop the best native mobile applications. Native Script is a flawless framework to develop apps while cutting down on the code length and app development time. Native Scripts are effective and offer some great built-in elements empowering the platform among many prominent companies.

Here are major characteristics of the Native Scripts:
  • It gives full access to Android and iOS APIs.
  • WebViews are not used in the native user interface.
  • The app developed with Native Script runs on several platforms.
  • Support for mission-critical functions.
  • It helps in the backend is extensive.

Frameworks are the most important and useful tools for developing any web or mobile application. Moreover, the above-mentioned frameworks are ruling in 2020 and will continue to rule in 2021 as well for high-end app development. If you are a developer, start using these frameworks for better, feature-rich and robust mobile apps for your project. You will surely find it extremely interesting and easy.

2021 will definitely see the emergence of many well-known frameworks, but the above 10 frameworks are the top of the priority list of mobile app developers.

So, if you wish to develop an app using fewer resources and time for your business, as an experienced mobile app development company, we will help you develop a mobile app for all devices and platforms.

  • Mobile Apps
  • Mobile App Development
  • hire mobile app developer

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