
Active Established Podcast report for March

Active Established Podcast report for March

What is an Actively Established Podcaster? 

An Actively Established Podcast is defined as an interview-based podcast with at least 100 episodes and a release cadence of 10 days or less that’s run by a host who isn’t a celebrity, or part of a major media network.

A report is published monthly by PodPros and it shows he number of active podcasts increased by over 3.3% last month.

There are 2,983,018 total podcasts, however only 397,703 are active.
Fact:  (There are 309k fewer podcasts active now than in 2020!)

Total Podcasts from last month to this have increased by 0.65%, however only 13.3% of the total podcasts are active!

There are 505,677 total independent interview-based podcasts with more than 1 episode, but only 120,212 are active.

 Fact: Most people who “start a podcast” never release more than a single episode.


I mentioned about Actively Estrablished Podcasts, well only 23.78% of possible future Actively Established podcasters are active!

There are 38,965 Actively Established podcasters, which is 32.41% of the total active independent podcasts.

Fact: More than 90% of the influence in podcasting is shared among podcasters in this ‘AE’ group, which is only 7.71% of all independent podcasts!

The report says that chances of making it as a podcaster are low. I disagree, if you are willing to spend on equipment and to make it sound good and you are engaging the listener then it can be done.   Plus promote your podcast, whether it be on social media or word of mouth. 

If you need any help with podcasting feel free to drop me a message

  • Podcast
  • Podcast management
  • podcast editing
  • Media & Entertainment

I am a freelance audio producer and editor, I have over five years experience and have started the company from scratch.  I do production work for the BBC in Mediacity and have produce independant…

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