
Not related to Brand Photography today, but stay safe and enjoy the Christmas holidays

Not related to Brand Photography today, but stay…

Not related to Personal Brand Photography today, but I hope that you all enjoy this, and stay safe over the Christmas holidays ….


’Twas the night before Christmas when all through the land

Not a classic car was stirring, for idle they did stand.

The keys were all hung by the back door with care

In hopes that finer weather soon would be there.

The owners were sleeping all snug in their beds

While nightmares of Lucas cluttered their heads.

Maria with her flannels and I in the buff

talked about Covid, which is really quite tough.

When out on the lane there arose such a clang

followed by a backfire, then a metallic bang.

Into my housecoat I lept in a hurry

and out to the lawn I flew in a flurry.

The moon gave a light that was quite eerie you see

I tripped over my wrenches and hit a big tree.

While stumbling and cursing I continued along

then heard the faint muffle of a familiar old song.

Then out of the fog and through the deep snow

came a Jag with its Lucas lights all a glow.

I knew without asking that it must be 'The Claus'

Cause his E-type was purring smoothly, not even a pause.

Now Metro, now Maestro, now 216 he said,

Now Princess, now Jowett, now Maxi so red

May you all run so smoothly, no breakdowns next year

and your owners will be so grateful and raise a beer.

Tossing a box at my feet as he passed

He turned the next corner in a streak oh so fast.

I looked at the box and realized quite quick.

It was not coal, no, not even a brick.

It was the TR8 exhaust I'd been needing so long,

For the top down engine sounds were quite strong.

I picked it up smiling and feeling quite proud,

For I must have been good, I exclaimed out loud.

Then I turned to see the ol' Nick fly away fast,

As he spun that ol' cat ’round the skies and went past.

I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight

'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night'

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