
Challenging pre-conceptions about door drops How the image of the channel can change 2011 Survey

Challenging pre-conceptions about door drops How…

Useful, relevant, tangible – defying the door drop preconceptions More than eight out of ten people in the UK are happy to receive a door drop leaflet if it is on a topic of interest to them. This is the somewhat counterintuitive finding from a survey of 2,008 UK adults which Royal Mail commissioned earlier this year. To put it another way, there are a staggering 41.5 million UK adults who are open to receiving door drop leaflets. This contradicts the view that consumers perceive the channel as „junk? mail. Of course, door drops will continue to have their detractors but, as we?ve found through our research, where door drops are personally relevant to the consumer they will be retained and acted upon. The consumer likes to take the time to find these relevant communications and those that are filtered out end up in the recycling. The door drop isn?t appropriate for every kind of communication, but there are many areas where it is particularly effective. Using door drops as part of the weekly routine We found through our conversations with consumers that, far from being an unwanted communication tool, certain kinds of door drops are retained and used by consumers – in some cases forming an integral part of the weekly routine of households.

Tel 01270 652488 Leaflet design print marketing delivery. Covering South Cheshire and North Staffs 200,000 homes and businesses. LIVE TRACKING GIVES CUSTOMERS A LOG IN to view the delivery. Planned…

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