
What Photojournalists love to hear.

What Photojournalists love to hear.

To give you an insight into the world of the photojournalist, I would like to share with you these thoughts from the blog of Chicago Tribune photographer Alex Garcia. I fully endorse his sentiments! 1. "Media? Come on through." When a security guard waves you through a metal detector without having to undress yourself and your camera equipment like a post-holiday Christmas tree, life is good. ?2. "Feel free to roam around." Music-to-my-ears. No minder. No constraints. Show-time! ?3. "Your new gear came in today." New Canons, new Nikons, new Macs, whatever it may be. One of the cool aspects of this job is getting to check out the most advanced equipment on the market (while hoping they weren't rushed into production too fast.) 4. "My house is a mess, but come on in anyway." When someone invites you into their home knowing very well that a picture of their messy home could appear in the newspaper, you have finally found a person not afraid to be real. After a day of press conferences and public relations moments, it is a moment to rejoice. 5. "I gave your picture some room to breathe." When a designer or editor says these magic words to you, unsolicited, I think of Sally Field's' immortal line "You do love me!" 6. "He's OK. Let him through." When one person with a radio dressed in black waves at you while saying this to a group of others, you know you're getting privileged access. It's even better when no one follows you around afterward. ?7. "Don't worry about video." I enjoy shooting video (don't get me wrong) but only if my assignment is dedicated for it. To shoot both still and video on the same assignment is not easy and to be honest, typically one will suffer. 8. "Take as much time as you need." The onslaught of time often robs the joy of photographing as a process of discovery. When time is removed as a constraint, it's good to feel that manic urgency melt away. ?9. "The contest deadline has been extended." No need to send that contest entry via private courier, convince anyone to back-date that package, or work up the Greatest Sob Story Ever Told, your personal cavalry has arrived in the face of a contest extension... ?10. "Hey, you want to come up here for a better view?" You look up and see a perfect stranger relating to you as a photojournalist looking for a better view. Your faith in humanity is reaffirmed... ??11. "Media parking is near the entrance." When parking spaces are designated not only for members of the newsmedia AND the spaces are located next to the main entrance, then my feet, back and wallet all sing in unison. ??12. "We opened up some space for your pictures." You can have two reactions to this. One is to muster your sense of entitlement and sniff, "Of course you would do that in the face of such masterpieces." The other is to be real and say "Is this April 1st?" ?13. "You can wait inside." "Hurry-up-and-wait" is a common-enough phrase in this business. When it's not "Hurry-up-and-wait-in sub-zero-weather-for-what-could-be-hours," and instead is the above quote, then the only proper response is, "Thank you o' merciful and kind soul!"?

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