
Google My Business Categories List 2020

Google My Business Categories List 2020

There are 1000s of Google My Business categories, and many of them can seem a bit vague. In fact, there are nearly 4,000 categories, and Google doesn’t exactly provide any help on choosing what is best for you.

Here’s a guide to choose the best Google My Business categories

What Are Google My Business Categories?

During the Google My Business setup process, one of the first steps is to set a primary business category.

This is one of the biggest ranking factors in Local Pack.

There are also secondary business categories that can be set to further increase visibility.

In fact, optimizing Google My Business categories can make a HUGE impact.

At the time of writing this post there are nearly 4000 Google My Business categories, which are frequently updated by Google.

You can only set 1 primary category, and it influence rankings the most. You can also add up to 9 secondary categories, which also help improve rankings for related keywords.

How To Choose Google My Business Categories?

The best way to select categories for Google My Business (GMB) is to find the one closest to what your business is about.

Determine how to choose the best categories by answering these questions:

  • Profitability – Select categories that align with the most profitable services.
  • Volume – Choose categories with high search volume keywords.
  • Competitors – Compare categories with local competitors.

Usually, less is more and your selection should follow Google’s Guidelines to avoid suspension.

Find the full list of categories here https://dolocal.co.uk/google-my-business/google-business-categories-list-2020/

  • Google My Business
  • Local SEO

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