
A business case for creating motion graphics during a crisis

Gary Frost, Frost Creative Limited Creative & Graphic Designer

A business case for creating motion graphics…

It has been predicted by Cisco that by now over 80% of all internet traffic will be video. Whether that stat is 100% accurate or not is another matter as it changes regularly but the truth is, video is everywhere and is a very powerful medium and in today’s difficult climate even more people are online, so taking advantage of that is an absolute must. We all see videos on a daily basis; on our social feeds and on most of the websites you visit. Video can be very influential and its audience reach far and wide. 4 out of 5 people will watch an online video each month. Product videos can increase conversion rates by up to 400% and Google will now even rank video content higher than text based content, potentially giving you a 53x chance of achieving a page 1 ranking organically.

Video content is the number one priority for a lot of marketers, however many are struggling to make content that is original, on-brand, engaging and effective. It is not an easy thing to do. Unless you are a global brand with an unlimited budget it is more difficult to produce compelling videos. However, even with a limited budget you can still achieve amazing results, you've just got to remain realistic and find the right partner. Remember, you are not Nike, IBM or Sony and just because you've seen an amazing video produced by them it doesn't mean anyone can do it. Budget will dictate what can be achieved, or not. To create a video you need a team that specialises in scripting, designing, editing and producing video content and that's where we can come in.

As a brand and communications consultancy we understand how to communicate brand stories, services and products effectively through every medium. Our team has delivered a number of videos over the years for our clients that don't necessarily have the budget a big brand may have, but still need a high quality solution.


We pride ourselves on being able to get the maximum out of our clients' budgets in order to achieve the optimum results. We do this by investing extra time understanding your business, your needs and what your customers want to know before we deliver anything.

Here's a few things to consider when producing your videos:

  1. It should attract leads and signpost them through the complete buying journey.
  2. A video should speak directly to the audience and talk in a language they understand and in the most consumable way possible. Give them information in easily digestible bitesize chunks.
  3. A video needs to be engaging from the outset to keep the viewer hooked. The video could be an intriguing infographic, a comedic fly on the wall documentary style shoot, inspiring and motivational or simply a useful piece of industry insight. Whatever you decide to produce, it will need to be of value.
  4. You need to know where your audience is looking. Spend time researching where your audience spends the majority of their time and push your content there.
  5. Ensure it is consistent with your overall brand identity and strategy. Many marketing people fail because they produce videos that are not on brand. This causes confusion and does more harm than good. Every piece of marketing that you produce, be that a video or a piece of printed collateral should all work together seamlessly, communicating exactly who you are and what you stand for consistently.

How can motion graphics help me today?

In times like this where we are locked down, all working remotely and having to socially distance ourselves, producing a film will be difficult if not impossible. Well, to produce a good one anyway. Going out on location is out the question, as is booking actors, models, make up artists, directors and DOP's to produce it. This leaves your choices limited. You could ask your clients to do a video testimonial remotely via a phone, or your colleagues to film themselves but the output will be shoddy and even though you could leverage todays situation within the videos context, as it will be transparent and a reflection of how things are in todays climate, the videos will no doubt be inconsistent and amateurish. This leaves motion graphics. We can create motion graphics easily and cost effectively without any complications. Our team can take a brief and write your script or you can simply send one and we can easily turn it into a compelling video using motion and/or stock footage combined with kinetic typography to communicate your message.

Motion graphics tick all the boxes for engagement; it is not only far more cost-effective than traditional live action video but arguably it's more effective overall. So, if you’ve got some old static infographics on file, you might want to consider bringing those to life through animation during this period.

What benefits does motion offer?

  1. It creates greater brand consistency with your broader communications
  2. It makes the dull, engaging and the interesting more exciting
  3. Motion videos will bring you higher retention and engagement rates
  4. It’s easily shareable and digestible
  5. It always delivers return for little investment

If you would like to increase engagement during these difficult times, get in-touch to find out how we can use motion to make your communications more effective.

01489 892 602
[email protected]




  • Motion Graphics
  • Marketing
  • Creative design
  • Content Creation
  • Motion Design
Gary Frost Frost Creative Limited Creative & Graphic Designer

A creative design and branding professional, I help businesses transform, stand out, and achieve.

Drawing on my frontline experiences at agencies across the South East, I founded Frost Creative to…

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