
10 Ways Interactive Whiteboards Benefit Businesses

The New Fat Marketing & PR

10 Ways Interactive Whiteboards Benefit Businesses

There are a huge range of technological advances that many businesses are adopting in order to improve their processes, make them more efficient and keep on top of the latest trends. One piece of kit that many are now finding indispensable is the interactive whiteboard.

This smart interactive display board not only shows information, but it also allows for direct user input via a touchscreen or other devices, making collaboration easier and more productive than ever, no matter where you might be.

To help you love the interactive whiteboard as much as we do, The New Fat, Graphic Design Agency in Nottingham have listed 10 ways it can benefit your business!

1.      Better productivity levels

Being good in business often means working smarter, not harder, and the interactive whiteboard can help with this. There have been a number of studies into productivity levels related to interactive whiteboards, and they have found that not only do meeting times get shorter, but the number of tasks that are completed gets bigger! This sharp rise in productivity means that more businesses are finding that the interactive whiteboard plays an active part in helping them to reach their goals.

2.      Easy to use

One of the problems with new forms of technology is that it can take a while to get to grips with it, but there is no such issue when it comes to the interactive whiteboard. These are incredibly easy to use thanks to simple file management and a memory that can be shared with email, network clients or a USB drive. That makes it easy to integrate into almost any work setting, and you will soon find everyone making the best use of all of its features.

3.      Compatibility

When integrating an interactive whiteboard into your business, you want to know that it will work with all of the other technology that you already have in place. Thankfully, these tools are compatible with a range of different devices, whether they are laptops, tablets or smartphones, and their wireless screen mirroring works with Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, meaning that it will fit in perfectly no matter how you prefer to work.

4.      No more markers

It is now possible to say goodbye to whiteboard markers that constantly run out and the never-ending search for a cloth to clean the board with. Instead, interactive whiteboards have touchscreen capabilities that mean no more cleaning, an array of colours, tools and styles and an immersive experience that will hold the attention of everyone in the meeting much better.

5.      Communication

Communication is key in any business, and so technology that can help to facilitate that is always welcome. As interactive whiteboards allow for real time collaboration between employees, misunderstandings and mistakes are minimised, and ideas are shared more easily.

This allows creative processes to take shape, analysis to be more focused and decision making to be much quicker. The interactive whiteboard actively encourages greater levels of collaboration, and it can help employees to feel that they can have an input and be part of the entire process in any project.

6.      Flexibility

Trying to point a laptop camera at a whiteboard during a Zoom meeting has never had much success, and it has meant that virtual meetings can sometimes be a little limited. However, the interactive whiteboard has the power to change all of that, as it gives every access to the board. As virtual meetings can be recorded, it also means that attendees can refer back to it, long after a normal whiteboard would have been wiped clean.

7.      Enhanced security

Often, the information that has been drawn onto a whiteboard can stay in full sight until it is next use, which does pose a security risk, as data could be seen by the wrong person.

The use of interactive whiteboards makes everything completely digital and allows it to be stored securely along with the rest of your files. This helps to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands and can show that you are compliant with all data protection laws.

8.      Training

If you are looking for a way to improve your training materials, then the interactive whiteboard is the way forward. It can help employees to pick up new tasks and skills more quickly, and the interactive training materials are more easily shared with other employees to ensure that everyone is kept in the loop.

9.      Presentations

No presentation is complete without the use of a whiteboard, but now they can be enhanced thanks to a 4k resolution display and playback. It means that a wide range of multimedia such as images, videos and charts can be used, ensuring that presentations are packed with information that can be displayed in engaging, appealing and more memorable ways.

As the interactive whiteboard can be shared with colleagues in real time, everyone is able to collaborate more effectively throughout, thanks to the use of things like polls and surveys.

10.  Money saving

Every business will want to save on costs wherever they can, and interactive whiteboards can help you to do this. Not only are they a one-time investment that will not need any special maintenance or upkeep, but they can also save money in other ways.

They can help to streamline various operations and avoid repetitiveness, as well as cutting down on the time spent in meetings, so that employees can use their time more productively. An interactive whiteboard can be a great way to cut operation costs whilst improving the way in which people work.

Interactive whiteboards are a great technological advancement for many businesses, as they have the ability to not only improve working practices but also to create situations where it is easier to engage with colleagues, helping to inspire them and create a new creative vision and motivation throughout the business.

By paying attention to new technology releases and integrating them into your business, you can help to drive your business forwards in new, innovative and exciting ways that may not have seemed possible before.

  • Interactive Touch Screens
  • Business & Growth Strategies
The New Fat Marketing & PR

Suze Moore is the Creative Director at The New Fat, a one-stop-shop for all things graphic, web and print design. Although based in Nottingham, The New Fat have worked with clients near and far to…

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