
How To Give Value To Others - 3 Top Tips

TuckIntoProfits Internet Marketing Consultant

How To Give Value To Others - 3 Top Tips

Hmm Giving Value....What could I possibly mean by that?

We sometimes are so focused on "I want to make a million pounds as soon as possible" but is this the right mindset? If people focused on giving a million pounds worth of value then they may reach their financial goals.

Here are 3 Top Tips to add value to your friends or even potential clients:

  1. STOP talking and listen to them - We tend to always talk about ourselves a lot and can get carried away without actually listening to others which we aren't told till its too late in the relationship.When I use to meet with clients I would instantly try to explain every single detail of my packages, without actually listening to their needs.If your friend or client tells you a problem, try to actually solve that.DON'T create another one by inventing one of your own.When my clients say I've got an email marketing issue, it would be silly of me to come back and give them a proposal for a new Logo and website.Listen MORE!
  2. ADD a new perspective in their life - Our peers may sometimes be very successful or looking to be successful and think they know everything as they've lived for a number of years.Everyone has something to add to people's lives...age may give experience but doesn't mean there is not a more effective way to do a particular task.I have personally witnessed young people aged 6 to 14 inspire crowds of people who are triple their age.YOUR experience matters just like anyone else.Someone may be struggling with a business idea or choices in life & your perspective could provide MASSIVE value.This is why the industry of mentoring is so POWERFUL due to the fact you could avoid repeating the same mistakes as your mentor with them giving you a new perspective.
  3. FOCUS on helping them - You may say "well what about me".....hmm save that for another article.You want to get more out of life ? Give to others and you'll see a return in yours without expecting one.I can charge for my one to one consulting which can be a great income, however, there are some individuals I meet at networking events who are just so passionate or creative who may need a push in the right direction.I could easily tell them to Paypal me £500 to mentor them but imagine when I give value for FREE..they will eventually pay it forward to someone else who need helps in their life or business.I'm working with an individual who has some amazing ideas and pushed him in the right direction & he continues to give me amazing FREE referrals.
"People dont care about what you know,they care about how you make them feel"
What will you do to give Value OR how has someone given value in your life? Comment Below or Inbox me with some fresh ideas.

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P.S Looking to give value to your followers and current customers through social media? Send a message on here or email me.
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TuckIntoProfits Internet Marketing Consultant
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