
Can Digital Window Displays Help Draw In Customers?

The New Fat Marketing & PR

Can Digital Window Displays Help Draw In…

Whatever industry you work in, you will probably have noticed that it is becoming an increasingly crowded marketplace. There are more and more businesses competing for the attention of customers, and so it is important to find ways to help your brand stand out from the rest.

As a smaller business, you might think that it is impossible to compete with some of the bigger brands that you find yourself side by side with, but there are now some great marketing tools that allow you to get your business seen.

One extremely effective way of doing this is through the use of digital window displays. This innovative form of digital signage is the perfect way to catch the eye of just about anyone and can be used to great effect for a wide number of businesses.

That is why in this article, The New Fat, design agency in Nottingham, share their expertise on what digital window displays are and how they can help your business to draw new customers in.

What is a digital window display?

Traditional business signage usually makes use of materials such as wood, metal or plastic to display a business name and convey an image, but for a digital window display, it is a screen that forms the canvas. These screens are positioned in the window of a business, pointing at the outside world, ready to grab the attention of anyone who happens to be passing by.

Unlike the screens that you might have at home, a digital window display screen produces high brightness levels of at least 700 nits or more to ensure that it can still be seen clearly, even in bright sunlight.

Attention grabbing

You might wonder how much impact a digital window display can have in comparison to more traditional forms of signage. In fact, research has shown that as many as 76% of shoppers have entered a new retail store simply because of its signage. As digital window displays can be brighter, clearer and more dynamic, they have a much greater chance of catching the eye of a shopper and bringing them across the threshold.

The quality of the screens means that everything on them is not only crystal clear, but the imagery is also made up of much sharper, brighter colours that will stand out against any background.

As a digital display makes use of a screen and not a static form of signage, you can employ moving graphics and videos to make your sign stand out even further. This means that the message you are trying to convey will really come to life and is much more likely to be noticed by anyone that happens to be walking by.

Varied content

With other forms of signage, you are required to design a marketing message and then stick to it, meaning that people will see the same thing every time that they walk past. With a digital window display, there is no limit to the amount of content that you can put on show, meaning that you can advertise different products or services, give people useful information about the business or even showcase content that demonstrates the ethics and values of the business.

As the content that you display is ever-changing, it can help to catch the eye even more, as people realise that they are looking at something new every time that they see your window.

With an average attention span of just 8 seconds, most shoppers do not linger over a window display for long. However, an 8 second video is able to convey much more than a shopper can absorb in the same amount of time looking at a static advertisement. This means that your digital window display can pack a lot more punch.


If you struggle to decide what to promote to your customers, then a digital window display can give you a lot more options. Not only can you change things by the seasons, you can also stop displaying breakfast offers when it gets closer to lunch time. The fact that your marketing now has almost no constraints means that there is almost no limit to what you can promote and how many new customers you have the potential to attract.

As you have full control over what to display, you can schedule a rotation of adverts and information, but you can also react to things in real time such as a breaking news story or a change in the weather. Simply log in and update your artwork any time that you like to give your marketing strategy a new edge.

Tell a story

We have become used to seeing posters and mannequins that are only capable of promoting simplistic messages. With a digital window display, you can say so much more to the customers that see your business.

It allows you to tell the story of your business so that people don’t just find out about what you offer but also who you are, where you come from and what you believe in. This allows potential customers to relate to your business and begin to engage with it, and when this happens, they are far more likely to walk inside and start spending money with you.

Cross-channel marketing

As humans, we tend to like familiarity, and so we will be drawn towards something that we recognise. By installing digital window display screens, you can replicate the marketing that you have used in other places, such as social media. This allows you to take a consistent approach across all marketing mediums and as you are able to help people feel as though something that they see is more familiar, their connection with it is strengthened and it becomes a brand that they want to buy from.

Marketing can be incredibly challenging, but digital window displays can make eye-catching, dynamic and innovative videos, images and graphics push your business to the forefront. Its high quality draws the eyes of your customers towards it, so that the only limit to bringing them into your business is how far your imagination can stretch.

  • Marketing
  • Branding & Advertising
  • customer
  • digital window displays
The New Fat Marketing & PR

Suze Moore is the Creative Director at The New Fat, a one-stop-shop for all things graphic, web and print design. Although based in Nottingham, The New Fat have worked with clients near and far to…

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