
How to choose a domain name.

How to choose a domain name.

Choosing a domain name for your business website is a lot like choosing a name for your child. Some names come easily, some are inevitable and some are a hard fought battle. Whatever the situation, it is unlikely that you will take the decision lightly.

A similar approach should be applied to choosing a domain name. It is going to be a customer’s first impression, a search engine’s first glimpse of your website and the portal to your online presence. Before you settle on the first one here are a few tips to help.

  1. Make it unique.

By definition all domain names are unique but make it unique for memorable reasons. You could try putting a creative spin on your name no matter what the subject matter. For example, eatmylogo.co.uk is a company that makes logo branded cupcakes. 

  1. Short and sweet

Don’t underestimate the laziness of your potential visitors so pick names that are easy to type. Long complicated names won’t do you any favours. Also, make sure the name is easy for you to verbalise when telling people about your website. 

  1. Letters

Where you can, stick to letters only. Domain names containing numbers and hyphens are harder to verbalise and can often be difficult to remember. Don’t give a potential customer any reason not to find you. 

  1. Social Media Availability

You will probably want to promote your website via social media so it’s good to have the names of your social media pages the same as your domain name. Take a look at what’s available before committing. 

  1. Trademark infringement

Just because a domain is available doesn’t mean it isn’t trademarked. Even using a similar name could be classed as infringement so be very careful. It might take some time but once the owner of the trademark knows they will more than likely take action. You could be faced with a costly rebrand along with the inevitable damage to your reputation. 

Warran Bolton

OwlTree Web Solutions Ltd

I am the co-founder and a director at OwlTree Web Solutions Ltd.

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