
Incentives - Increase in Prodctivity or Bribery?

Incentives - Increase in Prodctivity or Bribery?

Just over a year ago, the coalition Government introduced the Bribery Act in a bid to cut out corruption, and ensure businesses are accountable for any improper influence or extravagant incentives. Our own business is part of the multi-million Travel and Hospitality sector, commissioned to implement and deliver Incentive rewards and corporate hospitality. There is still a grey area though. We’re regularly asked by clients; who can we invite? Can we discuss business during our hospitality event? Do we need to keep sales well off the agenda? There is confusion around the subject, as well as a feeling of paranoia. There shouldn’t be concerns, however, as long as the events are bona fide and genuinely aim to improve productivity, commercial promotion and cordial business relations. Our own tailored incentive travel programmes are designed in conjunction with client’s senior management as part of their overall strategy. We focus a set theme and aim to create a tone and target to the employees, for either increased sales or reduced procurement costs and efficiency. A typical incentive reward may be a sensational travel experience, with every employee who achieved their set of budgetary targets participating as a group. There has never been a more crucial time to win and, more importantly, retain customers. Questions are being raised, directed at corporate hospitality clients who may be seen as commercial insensitive during our nation’s period of austerity. However, with the desire to witness major sports and entertainment events continues to increase, with Andy Murray at Wimbledon and the mouth watering prospect of next year’s Ashes cricket series, it’s hard to turn down these great possibilities. As long as your programmes are in the range of reasonable and proportionate investment, Corporate Hospitality and Incentive Travel concepts continues to provide an effective, enjoyable and rewarding return on your investment.

I work as Director of UK Sales and Development for Urban Fabric Events Limited, and although I cant believe it, have over thirty years professional Travel and Events experience. My reputation has…

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