
Calling all TECH professionals - New Business Opportunity!

Maxim Growth Limited Business Consultant

Calling all TECH professionals - New Business…

The UK Government spends up to around £850M a year through Frameworks called Digital Outcomes and Specialists, and Digital Outcomes
The next iteration of Digital Outcomes and Specialists is due to launch in May 2025, consultation on the format and content of the Framework is up and running and can be accessed here https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM1043.9

The Government will determine the full and final list of product types when market engagement has ended. You can continue to check the page above for updates.

The current RM6263 Digital Specialists and Programmes and RM1043.8 Digital Outcomes 6 frameworks provide the following lots:

DSP lot 1: Digital Programmes Find suppliers with the full range of DDaT skills needed for a digital transformation/capability project.

DSP lot 2: Digital Specialists Access to individual DDaT specialist roles.

Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS) 6 lot 1: Digital Outcomes Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.

DOS 6 lot 2: User Research Studios Hire studio space to conduct user research.

DOS 6 lot 3: User Research Participants Find users with the right qualities to test a digital product or service

They are looking to refine the above services and capabilities to meet user needs, as informed during engagement sessions.

If you are interested in finding out more about thiese and other Government contract opportunities then please get in touch!
All the best

  • Sales & Business Development
  • Government Contracting
  • Bidding (inc sealed)
  • Winning Business
  • Public Sector Contracts
Maxim Growth Limited Business Consultant

I help my clients to win business and grow their income, in the Public or Commercial sectors, and I have experience supporting grant and other funding applications in the VCSE sector. 

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